What is important for them to know them?


A true gift of nature is pollen called old polls in Lithuanian literature. Not only has a book been written about their miraculous effects, but in medicine they have become an indispensable tool for enhancing immunity. According to medical doctor Algirdas Baltuškevičius, pollen is the only natural biocomplex for such a long and successful application in human life.

According to Algirdas Baltuškevičius, doctor of medical sciences, the use of the product for his needs exceeds 50,000 years. "Bees appeared 50-60 thousand years before the appearance of man.This adaptation to the environment allowed the insect to remain essentially unchanged, and the products of the Bees have so far been used for their needs.It is also interesting to know that the bee collects the pollen, granulating it by refining each of its anti-glutinous substances. , the acid released by the salivary glands of the bee sterilizes and stabilizes the pollen.This pollen bee pollinated loses the usual allergenic effect.Therefore, they are suitable for everyone. [19659003] Their benefits are unlimited.Even 26-40 percent of the pollen is the total protein.They contain 5-7 times more amino acids than in beef and eggs, about 20% vegetable fat. made of the lipids that make up vitamin D, some ho hormones that "bind" cholesterol and eliminate excess body. Pollen is also about 2 percent. phospholipids. They do not allow the fat to accumulate in the blood vessels. In this product, carotenoids turn into vitamin A, which improves vision.

In addition, pollen contains a large amount of vitamin C and rutin, which increases the resistance of blood vessels and in particular capillaries. Pollen also contains other vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, E, biotin and folic acid. These substances strengthen the nervous system, stimulate the production of blood cells, increase blood proteins, hemoglobin, red blood cells, regenerative processes of the body, growth, recovery after serious diseases, slow down the aging process and lower blood cholesterol.

Simple tools to absorb the qualities of pollen – drinks or tablets, my A. Baltuškevičius.

"It is recommended to use pollen harvested bees not only as food but also as a prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal diseases (dyskinesia, gastritis, opalige) and its use in children and adolescents., chronic hepatitis, inflammation of the gall bladder. Pollen helps with prostate disease, climacteric neuroses, nervous breakdown and chronic alcoholism. Helps to restore the body's strength after infectious diseases and improves mood.

My personal recommendation is a drink with a teaspoon of pure pollen or pollen tablets with vitamin C, bee, bread or fructose. Adults are advised to suck or take 2 to 4 tablets a day, 1-2 children.Take less than 15 minutes of acid in your stomach.Before a meal, high – after eating.It can be used any year, with a monthly break of 7 days. Well, when to use – very individual. You should experiment to find the best option for you. It is true that teenagers are not advised to consume pollen products ", – told the doctor of science

the head of Donatas Vasiliauskas, the head of the pharmaceutical company Medicata filia, which produces products for bees for more than 20 years.According to him, pollen and its preparations are advisable to drink in the summer, thus preparing for the autumn.

"It is not a secret that it is have been a lot of people feel much better and healthier. However, take care of the coming autumn – it's up to you to decide now. Ask yourself why First of all, having started consuming pollen, you will strengthen the immune system and become resistant to colds. By the way, pollen is harvested in the spring, in summer – their effect is now the strongest.

Of course, he does not forget that pollen improves the nervous system, stimulates blood cells, increases blood proteins, hemoglobin, red blood cells, reduces cholesterol and the activity of the vascular system. Therefore, you will be able to start working in the fall not only with a pbadionate, but also calm, full of strength and energy. Try, I recommend, you will be very surprised. And you will begin to feel the effect immediately ", – said D. Vasiliauskas.


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