He verified Enschein's theory of relativity: he obtained quite different results



NRAO / AUI / NSF photo

The predictions of the theory of general relativity have been confirmed several times under various conditions. And yet, there is no doubt that in some cases they may be wrong, and a new theory of gravitation is needed. The theory of relativity is based on the postulate of the universality of free fall – objects also fall if the gravitational field is uniform, regardless of their own mbad.

Now, the impact of gravity is verified and the theory of the theory of relativity is confirmed by exploring the three-star star, one of which is a pulsar.

The impulse is a very fast neutron star, whose radiation emits a cone around the magnetic axis and constantly shines in a different direction, similar to the lighthouse signal at night. The pulsars and a white dwarf revolve around a 1.6-day orbit around the center of the mbad center and the two stars spin together for an orbital mbad of 327 days around the mbad. Center with the third member – also in the white dwarf.

After measuring the movement of all the stars, the distant stars of the pulsar and the white dwarf are also exposed; If the difference between accelerations and exists, it is less than 3 parts per million (or three decimal places). And this despite the significant difference in star mbad and gravitational power. This is completely in line with the theory of relativity theory, but not with the predictions of alternative theories.

The results of the research are published in Nature.

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