Check to see if you can still use your mobile devices next week


  The police remind you: check your mobile device for next week | Photo by Pixabay

Police Remind: Check Your Mobile Device for Next Week | Photo by Pixabay

Next week, July 25, at the request of the Lithuanian Society of Mobile Communications, the police will start blocking mobile devices that have been stolen, lost or illegally acquired in Lithuania or at the time of the war. foreign. This is part of an international initiative to block the IMEI codes of these devices in order to fight phone theft, forgery and other crimes.

Those who promise to go on vacation in July, like their phones, tablets or other equipment can stay offline during the holidays. According to Ramūnas Matonis, head of the Lithuanian Police Communications Department, IMEI codes for phones, tablets or other devices will be blocked by blocking the devices for less than weeks. not only in Lithuania, but also in many foreign countries. For over 140 GSM operators worldwide, the GSMA Association joining the international telecommunication network is currently modifying IMEI numbers by blocking devices.

"A mobile device can be blocked for several reasons: the device was stolen, lost or used in another country was in debt for mobile services. The phone will be permanently blocked before it is stolen or lost, so if you find that your phone is blocked, bring the entire population to the nearest police department ", – says a spokesman for the police [19659006]. "If on July 25th it turns out that your used tablet has been stolen, it will also be blocked and will not work, so it is important to check its IMEI code. You can find it in several ways: by looking at the box on the device or by using the settings of the tablet, "says R. Matonis

. He recalls that without testing the IMEI code of the device mobile, it can complicate everyday life. vacation, but it turns out that you can not call, write SMS messages, use the mobile Internet. And your tablet does not work either, as it turns out that these devices are flying or losing and have been blocked. As more than 140 communications operators around the world are changing their IMEI numbers through the International Telecommunication Union (GSMA) badociation, blocking such devices can not be avoided even when they are in another country. Therefore, if you have any suspicions about the origin of your devices, you can still check their IMEI codes before July 25, "- advises Matonis.

Preliminary data will block about 10 thousand. IMEI are included in the GSMA System Association of the International Telecommunication Operator

Reminders of the Use of Mobile Devices with an IMEI Code:

1. The IMEI code of a mobile device can be found in several ways:

1) After collecting the combination * # 06 #, you will find the IMEI code for your mobile device.You can also find the IMEI code by looking the package of the device or the sticker under the phone battery

2) You will see the IMEI code of the camera or router looking at the case

3 ) By entering the IMEI code on the free-served portal this The device is not included in the blacklist

2. The IMEI code must necessarily check for mobile devices if they have found a second hand or bought the device abroad and have not received official purchase documents.

The IMEI code for a phone, tablet or other mobile phone is as follows:

  • You are using a device shipped from abroad but you do not know where it was purchased.
  • You bought the device from the manufacturer of an unofficial partner or without official purchase documents.
  • You are using a device that has been used overseas with an operator card from another country and has not paid for all communications services provided in this country.
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