Before sudden death, even 21st century medicine was helpless


Just watch as hell

How is a healthy old person, who was seen on a TV show yesterday, dead? Hospital

Why do doctors become helpless in the face of sudden death when they perform miracles every day: they transplant donated organs, artificially implant, artificially begin life and produce premature babies a few hundred grams. Why can not you save yesterday, it looks like a healthy old man?

"You said rightly: he seems to be in good health," says Professor Vidas Pilvinis, professor of intensive care at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU).

And this explains that most patients in medicine – the elderly, suffering from several chronic diseases. Sudden deaths, do not like the teacher, have been, are and will be.

"Sudden deaths occur all over the world," says Dr. V.Pilvinis. "It's a regularity, and in the world of drugs, that's the case, and my colleagues are suddenly dead."

This is confirmed by the famous cardiac surgeon, Professor Rimantas Benetis, head of the cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery department at the LSMU.

"There are no sudden deaths in the year, cardiovascular diseases make 53 to 54% of deaths in our country", leading cause of all deaths, including sudden deaths, is presented by Professor R.Benetis, who saved the lives of hundreds of patients. .

Numbers and people

Assistant Professor Giedrė Bakšyte, Head of the Cardiology Department of the Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine of the Department of Cardiology Kaunas University.

"Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of sudden death, of course, it is a large group of diseases and conditions, and the likelihood of their manifestation depends on the size of the body. age of the patient When sudden deaths occur in young people under 35, they are probably due to conbad heart disease – syndromes of heart muscle or hereditary cardiac arrhythmia ", – the main reason is presented by Associate Professor G.Baksyte.

Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of sudden death.

Deaths in the elderly are most often due to ischemic heart disease and less frequently to valvular abnormalities.

"It is very unfortunate that many of these people can not flee.In case of sudden death in a hospital, the chances of survival of the patient are less than 10 %.They are greatly increased, almost 45%, if people provide the initial care, but unfortunately they are less than half ", – the cardiology doctor, G.Baksytyta, also regrets it, because we are not all able to provide the first medical help.

However, patients even die in the intensive care unit, even 4 to 5 out of 100. That's a lot. Is it because there are no immortals?

"About 6% of patients die from myocardial infarction in the hospital, a similar indicator exists in hospitals in many EU countries where interventional cardiology procedures are performed," said badistant professor G.Baksyty on the basis of statistics.

Value of first aid

Why are doctors unable to help when the patient is more likely to go to them, including the higher level hospital?

"When the disease suddenly occurs, especially when a person loses consciousness, his survival depends on many factors and circumstances, and the professionalism of medical staff and complex technologies may become ineffective if initial help does not occur." is not provided by the surrounding people or if they are simply not available at that time, "he added. Professor G.Baksyte is responsible.

The help in the initial phase of a heart attack is worth gold, and the start time is fatal. As a result, the badociate professor invites to remember: there are symptoms such as a sternum pain not crossing for 15 to 20 minutes, often extending to the left arm or jaw, between the shoulders With sweat, nausea and death, urgent medical treatment is urgent. .

"In this case, it would not be advisable to go to a health facility by my own means of transport, which is dangerous because a person suffering from a heart attack can also face a sudden death", warns the cardiologist.

He explains that sudden death occurs when acute heart failure occurs in a disturbance of the rhythm of the lethal rhythm called ventricular ventricle. The success of initial recovery greatly increases the use of automatic defibrillators, ie the use of devices to restore a normal heart rate when the ventricular ventricles are reached. Nowadays, the Associate Professor reminds them not only in airports, railway stations, but also in large shopping centers, sports arenas, even in educational institutions. An ambulance dispatcher is informed of the location of the nearest defibrillator.


Associate Professor G.Baksytyte confirms: A number of cardiologists did not show any disturbing symptoms until a sudden death. Therefore, he is unpredictable and whoever among us can ever go where we are?

"The likelihood of sudden death increases with certain conditions, risk factors, inheritance, and is common in cardiac ischemic heart patients after a heart attack, as well as in patients with sudden cardiac death who have successfully recovered from heart, conbad heart disease or for family members with conbad heart disease or sudden death.Glycemia, obesity, narcotics consumption ", – cause and danger are appointed by Associate Professor G.Baksyte.

Saying that seasons have an effect on heart disease can not be documented. This is not confirmed by studies that attempt to relate morbidity to the season, weather, and electromagnetic activity of the Earth. Their results are often controversial.

"Whatever it is, it is certain that the environment is affecting our health, but not everything is well known.We can not often change environmental factors, but we can give up habits badly damaging the heart, "says Dr. G. Baksytyte, a cardiologist.

The number of patients and the severity of the disease in the service under his supervision have been similar for five years. More and more aging patients are undergoing various interventions that extend their life expectancy as medical technology advances the use of complex minimally invasive therapies.

"The success of treatment of myocardial infarction is determined by the fastest possible rehabilitation of an obstructed cardiovascular transmission.The most effective method for doing this is cardiovascular angiography and the poses of Stents, commonly known as sensing in society, "introduced Professor G.Gaksyte, badociate professor.

One of the most dangerous conditions in life – the rupture of the aorta is not contemplated by any research.

Prophylaxis without symptoms

Professor R. Benetis stresses the importance of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of health.

"It's important to know what's going on, show me at least one 60-year-old man who has checked his condition not only for cardiovascular disease but also for all oncological diseases: after performing a fibrogastroscopy and a fibro -coloscopy, it was examined by a computerized tomography technique.Women should be periodically monitored by a mammogram, examination of gynecologist ", – says Professor R.Benetis.

And here he adds that, in order to be studied with the help of a computerized tomography or magnetic resonance method, the patient must feel the first symptoms of the appropriate level of alertness or be suspected by the doctor.

"Our system can not afford to follow expensive research in succession," said Professor R. Benetis. Various programs are underway to prevent diseases, including risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

The most complex heart surgery, the famous cardiac surgery, resembles well-known clbadic courts: heredity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and low mobility, are these risk factors. And, he adds, it's hard for patients to see a cardiologist. What about preventive badessments?

"The one who stubbornly obtains this research.It is time and some procedures have to be repeated every year, every two years or so, asking if they check their state of health, Professor R. Benetis responds positively, but only partially." – I check but maybe not everything. "

Extremely dangerous condition

One of the most dangerous conditions in life – the rupture of the aorta is not contemplated by any research.

"We plan to buy special equipment and investigate patients with abdominal and thoracic aortic tension. We want patients to present risk factors and already have a record of operations to track their health status, which requires funding "- ways to reduce sudden death statistics, is looking for a manager of the clinic to cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery.

At present, about 60 patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm and about one thoracic aorta are in a difficult state during this year. Such statistics are also available in other European countries.

"Tonight we operated on the patient due to a rupture of the abdominal aorta yesterday because of a flattened thoracic aorta.Many patients of this type sometimes occur during the week, "explains Professor R. Benetis.

The aorta is one of the main blood vessels. When she breaks, the patient is bleeding a lot. Professor R.Benetis, a recently operated patient of a cardiac surgeon, was taken to the abdominal cavity by spilling 5 liters of blood.

"We have machines that can collect, rinse and recover this blood," says Dr. R.Benetis, a cardiologist, explaining the treatment methodology for patients with extremely serious illnesses.

And he recognizes that when such a patient arrives late, it is impossible to help with much help, it is sometimes impossible. There are no preventative symptoms of these most dangerous diseases, it develops suddenly and is managed only by high-level cardiovascular surgeons. Whether life is preserved or not will also depend on where the disease was contracted – in nearby or remote medical institutions.

"We are delighted and proud that, for those who come to us, everything is going well," said Professor R.Benetis.

Go to nature

"The treatment is not only a question of mechanics, the opening of a blood vessel, a lot of things are determined by lifestyle, human genetics and even emotions. helpless ", is not afraid of helpless Professor V.Pilvinis.

He justifies this by a specific example: the winning army soldiers are always better than the losers, even if the wounds are the same. Love towards my homeland, patriotism, optimism, faith, the meaning of life – all this, says Professor V.Pilvinis, is important. Professor V. Pilvinis says that he has experienced the treatment of the most serious patients and that hundreds of lives have been saved by their colleagues, while they are seeing themselves harming people.

"Every day, when I go to the streets, I see how people do not stay healthy. For example, smoking, which is very closely related to health, really hurts it. By comparing the number of smokers and non-smokers treated for resuscitation, the difference is really obvious and the magnitude of the damage caused to smokers by their children, woman! These are forced to smoke pbadively ", – Professor V.Pilvinis regrets that to date smoking is a personal matter for us.

Contrary to this, the professor is very happy about the prevention of alcoholism and is surprised that almost nothing is done because of smoking.

"When I see a young mother, young girls who hurt themselves, I am very worried.With regard to the excessive speed of modern human life, the high workload, the abundance of information and the addictive news available everywhere ", when the logic of the world and the natural laws are not followed and go against it Professor V.Pilvinis sees in it a direct threat to health, even for the sake of beauty, and calls the medical service qualified parsimonious.

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