Helen Mirren's neighbors were even surprised by a dark scene before the parade's fashion show | names


Juozas Statkevičius, celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the creative activity, presented the collection on Wednesday evening at the Vilnius "Entertainment Arena" and met as a time machine in his episodes of his career. The 180 models came back to the time when J.Statkevicius was taking his first steps in the world of fashion, recalled the collections recognized internationally.

Traveling to the hour and evaluating three decades of work have gathered hundreds of fashion enthusiasts, guests. The legendary British actress Helen Mirren arrived at the second presentation of the collection, a real surprise for guests.

As soon as he entered the door of the dead house in the lobby of the arena, the actress was greeted by incredible shouts. Helen Mirren, accompanied by a photographic portrait, was able to talk briefly with the head of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, Jon Sakalauskas, with journalist Jolanta Svirnelyte.

Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo by Juozas Statkevičius parade guests

Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo by Juozas Statkevičius parade guests

Due to heavy congestion near the outer door, face to face with Helen 15 minutes reporter It is true that after being introduced and asked if several questions could be asked, the woman who accompanied the actress asked to remain intact.

"No, all is well, let's talk about it," says Helen.

The conversation took place briefly and the interview was interrupted several times because of people wishing to greet or photograph. The conversation lasted a little over a minute, but during this time, a golden sentence could be heard: the world is proud of people famous for their work around the world, a breakthrough in the Lithuanian capital.

When asked who had instigated the event, Helen did not spare a compliment to the designer J.Statkevich. As he himself said, he hopes to later find a chance to meet him personally. And that promise she made – after the presentation of the collection, H.Mirren looked at the podium and congratulated the designer.

"I know very well the art of Juozas and I do not hide my admiration.Although he has never lost his personality personally, he is a very important person in the world of fashion, an outstanding personality in Lithuania, so I'm very happy to meet him "- 15 minutes says the actress.

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Helen Mirren and Juozas Statkevičius

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Helen Mirren and Juozas Statkevičius

The actress in Lithuania spent three months. In Lithuania, an Oscar winner filmed in four parts of the film about the last years of Catherine's reign. However, in Lithuania, the actress counts the last days, but she will return next year to the Baltic States. Other films are planned in Latvia and Russia.

"I will not be so long in Lithuania, this week we are finishing several films and going to the US I will see Christmas again," said the actress.

Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo by Juozas Statkevičius parade guests

Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo by Juozas Statkevičius parade guests

And although the actress spends most of her time on the filming location and that there are many opportunities to travel to Lithuania or even explore the capital, Helen Mirren is only a few minutes away. Is not hidden – happy to see the progress being made.

"Everything was fantastic, really wonderful, I love Lithuania, I'm working here for the second time and I see how Vilnius is evolving. hard (cool – english) city ", – complains the British actress.

15 minutes Recalls that during the visit, Helen Mirren met the President of the Republic, Dalia Grybauskaitė. Speaking with the actor, the president walked after the presidency and, like all the guests, Dalia Grybauskaitė presented a glbad jar with honey that her bees had poured.

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