The population of Vilkaviškis District is in shock: there is too much toxic metal in the water


It's like a thunder of a heavenly sky

The State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) of Vilkaviškis announced that UAB Vilkaviškio vandenys, after conducting self-monitoring studies, had identified an increase in arsenic in the Water at two outlets – at the Duonelaičiai water supply site – 20.6 μg / l, Fertilizer – 16.61 μg / l (allowed) quantity of 10 μg / l).

The DuPont water supply plant provides water to 14 and 44 people to prohibited households. The SFVS inspectors in Vilkaviškis have temporarily banned the use of public drinking water for food production. Residents are introduced to insurance, it is explained to them that for a while, water will only be suitable for domestic needs. JSC "Vilkaviškio vandenys" is committed to providing another supply of drinking water, providing the population with water from other sources.

"The fact that arsenic has endangered human health has recently been heard on television, and then it's increased in the Marijampole district, and I did not even think it could crush us. When it was announced, there was a slight shock, "said Aldona Savickienė, a resident of Duonelaičiai.

Kestutis Malinauskas, who lives in Zalivas, acknowledged that this unexpected news was a scandal throughout the campaign. People are unhappy, do not know how to proceed.

The woman said that she was so calm that the water came from the well and not from the borehole where the arsenic content had increased. It uses water from boreholes to feed livestock.

Photo of A.Grygelaitis / Closing Drilling

Photo of A.Grygelaitis / Closing Drilling

"In fact, a few weeks ago, and in our well, the water became strangely inhospitable.Next, nobody even talked about arsenic.We also did some studies on the water well, but we still do not know the results.We are waiting with great fear, "said A.Savickienė.

Kestutis Malinauskas, who lives in Zalivas, acknowledged that this unexpected news was a scandal throughout the campaign. People are unhappy, do not know how to proceed.

"I learned this message very unexpectedly.I was just coming back from overseas and late in the evening, some kind of specialist came to my house and did not say anything clear as to the need to stop drinking water, and then I did not understand what was going on, and in general it is not at all obvious that arsenic is people know that this is a nerve and everyone is afraid of it, "Malinauskas said.

He is surprised that it is possible to drink water contaminated by animals and not by humans. The man believed that people in rural areas still raise animals for their own needs, eating their meat and drinking milk.

"Is not it through meat or milk that arsenic is present in our body? This does not make sense to me," said the interlocutor.

Currently, the inhabitants of the villages of Užbaliai and Duonelaičiai receive twice a day clean and unpolluted water, in 5 liter bottles. It is left in the premises of the fire department of the village, where people are still in service. So, people who have come here can take water at any time. As workers have said here, their supplies are dying quickly. True, they regretted that it is not possible to take water from firefighters – there are residents with hard or car-free walls in the village.

"As soon as it happens, it does not disappear right away, but you do not get there every day!" Some people are afraid to drink cattle with contaminated water, but they do not Will certainly not have enough, I do not know what to do in the future if the wells in which the arsenic levels were high should not be cleaned, "said the resident of the village of Užbali, who was in no hurry to introduce himself.

Photo of A.Grygelaitis / Alvydas Savickas drinking water from the village of Duonelaičiai from the well of his own yard

Photo of A.Grygelaitis / Alvydas Savickas drinking water from the village of Duonelaičiai from the well of his own yard

Health risk

Ramutė Didvalienė, the District Municipality of Gražiškių, where the village of Duonelaičiai is located, said that when he became aware of the danger to people living in the water, there were slight shocks . People are afraid to have used water for a long time, but until now, no one has been the subject of an investigation.

"We received a letter stating that excessive amounts of arsenic could cause various inflammations, visual or hearing impairments.It has also been reported that excessive concentrations of arsenic can reach the body of the unborn baby, reason for which it is extremely dangerous for pregnant women to drink contaminated water.This may result in miscarriage or premature birth.These messages do not make us optimistic.Indeed, it is said that the highest risk for liters containing 21 micrograms and more arsenic, while in the villages of Duonelaičiai and Užbaļa, these indicators are a little lower, "said R.Didvalienė.

Inga Bindokienė, who works in the shops, says that she has not yet managed to buy more people than the usual drinking water. According to her, he has enough distance to reach the fire department. Admittedly, the locals who visit the store often complain about the current situation, but they do not cause a mbadive panic.

"Most people in our village use well water, it is clean, and almost everyone drank well, and I personally do not commit a major tragedy, but it is clear that such knowledge is not really pleasant, "said Roman Shtiuplys living in Duonelaičiai.

Alvydas Savickas, who was near him, did not feel happy either when he learned that too much arsenic had been found in the borehole of his village. However, the man is happy to be able to use, as most rural people, the drinking water from a well unearthed in the yard.

"I drove the wells a few years ago so everything was fine, maybe it will have to be repeated now, because there are some doubts about arsenic." I hardly imagine how it could get into the water.I would not be surprised if we had been drinking water for several years already, "said A.Savickas.

Photo of A.Grygelaitis / The water is flowing quickly

Photo of A.Grygelaitis / The water is flowing quickly

It is likely that it had happened

Excess toxic metal – arsenic found in the Vilkaviškis region is not the first case of this type in Lithuania. Previously, this metal had been found in water parks in the districts of Jurbarkas, Marijampolė, Raseiniai and Lazdijai.

Representatives of UAB Vilkaviškio Vandenys, who provide residents of Vilkaviskis district of Vandeniai, can not yet say how this problem will be solved. It will first be discussed with representatives of other institutions, then, if the old wells are deemed unsuitable, it will be decided whether new wells should be drilled in these villages or whether the water supply from the village can be connected to other wells.

From where arsenic appeared on the foothills of the Užpaliai and Duonelaičiai villages, the same can not be said so far. It is badumed that it is of natural origin. Clearly a – this heavy metal in the water, no one has specially entered the water. The arsenic water has probably been around for ages, but nobody has just looked for it. In the past, small-scale pollinators, providing up to 100 cubic meters of water a day, were required to perform heavy metal tests only every 10 years. For example, in the Užbałų colony, heavy metals from drilling were studied in 2008.

In the last two years, UAB Vilkaviškio vandenys has conducted similar studies in the 55 outlets in the region. Arsenic elsewhere has not been exceeded.

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