Health in winter: five myths not to be believed


During the cold season, when the number of colds increases, we are much more concerned about our health. However, we sometimes exaggerate in this area or, on the contrary, do not take the necessary measures to protect health. There are a number of false beliefs that people follow in their own health and that of their loved ones. Pharmacists present five popular myths about winter health and well-being, which should not be used to be healthy and full of energy.

Myth: cold will save antibiotics

As soon as the first symptoms of the cold are felt, some people resort to antibiotics. However, it is wrong to believe that this medicine is used to treat all diseases. Edita Stankevičiūtė, a pharmacist at the Gintarinė pharmacy, points out that antibiotics do not cure the viruses that cause colds. They are designed to overcome bacterial infections.

Antibiotics can not be prescribed by a doctor to the patient, taking into account all the circumstances of the patient's illness.

"It should also be noted that a patient with a ferret does not take antibiotics as directed by the doctor. For example, they are taken for a few days and, when they feel better, they stop taking the medication. Antibiotics should be used in strict accordance with the indications of your doctor, usually within 5 to 7 days, in sufficient doses and not as you can believe yourself, "says the pharmacist.

You should also consider any other medications or dietary supplements you are taking at that time.

"The incompatibility of medications, as well as certain foods, can complicate healing, even the simplest diseases. This is particularly true for seniors who use more drugs or suffer from chronic illnesses. When you plan to buy non-prescription medications, talk to your pharmacist to find out about other medications you are taking. This will certainly avoid additional problems and you can always check the compatibility of drugs in our pharmacies, "advises pharmacist Amber pharmacy.

According to specialists, the irresponsible use of antibiotics has resulted in strong resistance to these drugs. There is an increasing number of infections that are becoming increasingly difficult to treat and sometimes even impossible. Therefore, antibiotics should be used with great care and it is important to consider other medications or supplements that you are taking at that time.

Second myth: When it's cold, it's better to bang your nose

Many people, even those who enjoy spending their free time in nature or in the open air, try to give up walks or sports in winter, especially when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius. Many people think that cold increases the risk of colds. However, according to the pharmacist, this is not entirely true.

"In winter, the incidence of upper respiratory diseases, influenza and viral infections increases dramatically. It is often said that a person is sick because of wind or freezing wind. However, colds are caused by viruses that enter the body by dripping or coughing in the air, pressing a hand on a patient, then touching the mouth, nose and eyes. Therefore, it is very important to respect the rules of personal hygiene, such as frequent hand washing. If you get sick, refrain from going to work, do not let children go to school or kindergarten. This will reduce the risk of spreading colds, "says Stankevičiūtė.

According to her, in winter, there is no need to give up outdoor walks, exercise, other active activities, as this boosts immunity, gives the child a chance to go to school. energy, improves mood and increases work capacity. Of course, you have to avoid the extremes and adjust the clothes when the air temperature is really low.

Myth 3: Do not wear a hat – get sick

Often, from childhood, we have heard parents tell them to only go out in the winter with a hat, otherwise there are various diseases: from inflammation of the ear to meningitis . However, according to E. Stankevičiūtė, there is no scientific evidence that people who do not wear caps during the cold season suffer more often than porters. The cold reaction depends on the individual characteristics of each human body.

"It is more important to pay special attention to the shoes so that the feet are not wet because they contain many receptors related to other organs, because then the whole body freezes faster. However, if a person does not devote more attention to his health and lifestyle, the warmer shoes, hat and scarves will not protect against various ailments. We do not really say that we do not need to wear a sweater, but we must always consider the body's reaction, for example, when the hat, its substances caused allergic reactions, the skin, the hair is damaged, if the hat causes unpleasant sensations, it is advisable to change it, rationality is necessary everywhere "- said the pharmacist.

The fourth myth: you do not need to use UV protection creams

This may seem odd, especially when the sun is not rare in Lithuania during the cold season, but as the Earth's surface is closer to the sun during the winter months, people receive more harmful rays without s 'give an account of it. Due to the depletion of the ozone layer, UVB rays have become more powerful and SPFs are now needed throughout the year. Clouds offer little protection against UVA rays that cause wrinkles. So, in the winter, in our skin care routine, we often forget to take steps to prevent dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays.

"In winter, we are also exposed to it. Therefore, it is necessary to use creams with sunscreen (SPF) in cold weather. It is advisable to choose skincare products with a SPF of at least 15. ", – recommends the pharmacist.

A lot of stress in the winter, our skin also suffers from impetuous domestic warming. The pharmacist emphasizes the importance of good hydration and nourishment during the cold season. For example, during the day, choose a lighter moisturizer, nourishing for the night.

Fifth myth: you have to eat more fat and warmer

Adhering to the principles of healthy eating in winter is a little more difficult than during the hot season. As much as the ancient traditions of Lent also allow the accumulation of adipose deposits. However, if we want to be healthy, energetic and maintain our forms, according to E. Stankevičiūtė, we should try not to let the leaders go.

"The pyramid of healthy diets does not change according to the season, of course, our diet is dictated by the seasonal products, but the nutritional principles remain the same.It is strongly recommended to use cereals, vegetables, fruits and fish, also dairy products, meat, sweets, sugars, sugary drinks and fats should be eaten with sauce, and do not increase the usual portions of food in winter. It is important to drink a few liters of water a day.In all areas, the sauce is the most important thing, "summed up the pharmacist from Amber Pharmacy.

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