End of sanctions: Huawei Mate 20 Pro is back in Android Q Beta


The last few weeks have been extremely difficult for China
Huawei Giant, who received unexpected sanctions from the US government. Country
President Donald Brief has added the company to the blacklist and this is not just
paused the Chinese to get to the top spot among the biggest handsets
producers, but also severely disrupted the company's operations.

Most US companies have obeyed government orders and terminated any relationship with Huawei. Among them, not only Qualcomm, Intel, Microsoft, but also Google. However, the situation began to improve a few days ago when Huawei was again on the list of SD or Wi-Fi partners. Today, China seems to have received good news from Google, which shows probably the conflict is coming to an end.

Chinese company introduced Huawei Mate last year
The flagship 20 Pro product that is now part of the Android Q Beta program. That's it
means that all users of this device could join the fall
test the new version of the Android operating system. Viewing
sanctions for this device have been removed from this program but today it is
and returned there again.

Earlier, we wrote that Huawei had been a wizard earlier
Phone users do not have to worry about what they have
situations, and today everything goes even further. This is Huawei
Mate 20 Pro returned to the Android Q Beta program to show most US companies
looking for compromise. Although this conflict between the Chinese and American governments was included
many American manufacturers, but it is very likely that everything will come back soon
your places.

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