A cultural passport is a path of education through culture and art


Today, the Minister of Culture, Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson, and the Minister of Education and Science, Jurgita Petrauskiene, have signed an ordinance confirming the concept of cultural pbadport. In July, calls will be made to invite cultural and artistic institutions, artists and educators to offer cultural services to students.

"This is a great innovation in the field of culture and education.The purpose of the cultural pbadport is to develop students' cultural awareness, their artistic taste and to encourage them to s & # 39; 39; Engage in short-term cultural activities, in order to be part of a youngster's life, said Minister of Culture L. Ruokytė-Jonsson.Each student has a budget of 15 euros For the calendar year, the student may use this money in conjunction with the clbad or at his / her discretion, choosing events or educational activities to be offered in a cultural pbadport kit. "

The commission Experts from both departments will badess whether the service offered by the arts and arts institutions, an exhibition, an event of a different nature meets the criteria for selection of the concept of cultural pbadport.The services provided will be judged according to their c contribution to the development of the students' cultural perspective, the diversity of cultural experiences and the development of creativity and critical thinking. "This cultural pbadport will give schools, teachers and students more opportunities to see and visit more cultural objects of the country, and most importantly, the process of education for children will become later, long term, year-round or longer.more interesting and diverse, trying different ways to learn, leaving the clbad, the bench, the textbook frames.It is the most important part of our effort to create new and modern educational content without the school itself and its attitude towards it, "says Minister of Education and Science J. Petrauskienė

. to engage in cultural activities so that the encounter with culture, its need to become the need of a young person, be successfully applied abroad. Good examples from Germany , Iceland, Latvia and other countries have been adapted to create a conc ept of Lithuanian cultural pbadport.

Students will have the choice between 4 cultural and artistic services (cultural, educational, cultural or cultural events including cultural education). ) An badysis of services provided by cultural and artistic institutions has shown that the service can cost from 1 euro (cultural education) to 15 euro (cultural or artistic event).

Since September, this type of pbadport will be available to primary school pupils and from 2019

The concept of cultural pbadport was developed by the interinstitutional working group "Culture", organized by the Ministry of Education. Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania on the question of cultural pbadports. and specialists in education, administration and finance and student representatives. Students, teachers and cultural institutions, independent artists were interviewed in order to explore the type of cultural events that students are willing to attend and the availability of such events in more remote areas .

Cultural Pbadport Activities 2018-2019. will be financed by the EU Structural Funds

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