A.Mamontovas began the festival of the city with the orchestra: the crowd collapsed in the courtyard of the King's Palace | names


The festival, which runs from July 16 to 27, invites all those looking for traces of musical experiences from clbadical music to vibrant music, from opera tunes under the starry sky to concerts of soul and jazz

. an exclusive, expected and mature show – for the first time one of the most famous Lithuanian musicians, Andrius Mamontovas, will address the audience with a different amplitude – in collaboration with the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra directed by Modesto Pitrėnas

A.Mamontovas has prepared a musical project with songs from a 20-year-old solo album "North Nights". Half five. "Among them are well-known works, among which" The Light of Broken Fire "," The City of the Sun "and others

  Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo / Andrius Mamontovas Concert at the Palais des Grands Dukes

Julius Kalinskas / 15min photo / Andrius Mamontovas Concert In the Palace of the Masters

The reason for the opening of the festival "Midsummer Vilnius" is to present this long-considered album. interpreted the entire album, from beginning to end, because, as A.Mamontov says, this album deserves special attention.

Album "North Night." Half of the fifth " was my first big job after the collapse of the group "Foje". It's a very solid album, I rarely play some of my songs in concert. It is best to listen from beginning to end. Therefore, I decided to make the entire album, while celebrating its 20 years of existence in the playrooms of my listeners, "A.Mamontov recounted the next concert. [19659008] More concerts – in the gallery:

Over 30 years old The artist with a creative experience is not afraid to challenge herself.Last year, she released an album that "Wraps" the old songs on electronic clothes, releases an instrumental music album, organizes anchor concerts in the major Lithuanian arenas.

The musician also knows what he means to the 39; listener. "I feel" North Nights. "Half the Five" is a very appropriate album to play with the orchestra.The main work is to transfer songs to ropes and wind instruments. matches for guitars, synthesizers and parts of rhythm machines ", – the performer spoke about the subtleties of the repertoire and the preparation told by the interpreter.

Concert "North Night, Half of the Five." – This is again for A.Montamontov himself, who has not yet been tested at the stage where his songs will be played together with l & # 39; orchestra. "I always knew that I would do it one day, but only now was the right opportunity – the summer music festival" Midsummer Vilnius ", said the artist

  Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo / Andrius Mamontovas Concert at the Palace of the Grand Duke

Julius Kalinskas / 15min Photo / Concert of Andrzej Mamontov at the Palace of the Grand Duchy

Every year, the organizers of the festival "Midsummer Vilnius" prepare joint projects with Modest Pitrėnas and his Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra. "Thanks to the contribution of dance, theater and music, thanks to the support of the public and the public, the best proof is that Vilnius needs this event. He does not need to be in a state of art, but of spiritual enthusiasm. Therefore, I am with this festival of "diapers", or maybe even "I kept the candle" on its appearance … "- said to the maestro about cooperation and cooperation creative activity

beginning: inspired by a new cultural instinct, a group of famous faces came

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