A roof of a wooden house burned in Kaunas


As reported by the General Help Center (BPC), a fire notification was received at 11:50 pm. The speaker pointed out that in Jurbarkas g. Fire in Jurbarkas Street "rel =" happy image "src =" https://s2.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCwsNjI2NDMwLG9yaWdpbmFsLCxpZD00MDM2MDk4JmRhdGU9MjAxOCUyRjA3JTJGMTIsMjIwOTYyMjgzOA==/gaisras-jurbarko-gatveje-5b4675582e598.jpg "style =" width: auto ; height: auto; "/>

Fire in the street Jurbarkas

Fire in the street Jurbarkas" rel = "content-image" src = "https://s2.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCwsNjI2NDMwLG9yaWdpbmFsLCxpZD00MDM2MDk4JmRhdGU9MjAxOCUyRjA3JTJGMTIsMjIwOTYyMjgzOA= = / gaisras-jurbarko-gatveje-5b4675582e598.jpg "style =" width: auto; height; auto; "/>

Fire in the street Jurbarkas" rel = "content-image" src = "https: // s2 .15min.lt / static / cache / NTcweCwsNjI2NDMwLG9yaWdpbmFsLCxpZD00MDM2MDk4JmRhdGU9MjAxOCUyRjA3JTJGMTIsMjIwOTYyMjgzOA == / gaisras-jurbarko-gatveje-5b4675582e598.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Fire in Jurbarkas Street" rel = "content-image" src = "https://s2.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCwsNjI2NDMwLG9yaWdpbmFsLCxpZD00MDM2MDk4JmRhdGU9MjAxOCUyRjA3JTJGMTIsMjIwOTYyMjgzOA==/gaisras-jurbarko-gatveje- 5b4675582e598.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Fire in the street Jurbarkas

Like 15min People who lived side by side were informed by people living in the fire that two people lived in a wooden fire station, but that they were not at home at the fire

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