A.Šikšnius stays in the team "Juventus" | Krepsinis.net


A 196-year-old basketball player of 196 cm at Utena's club also played in 2014. In the 2011 season, Juventus is the largest in the history of the club. In the same season, the striker was one of the most important of the team and helped the Utenians to win the bronze medals of the Lithuanian Basketball League (LKL)

A. Šikšnius, third of Juventus, has been one of the leaders this season. In the Betsafe-LKL championship, the striker averaged 11.7 points, rebounded 2.8 in the ball, carried 2.5 badists afterwards and scored 11.2 points in the performance.

The captain of the FIBA ​​Champions League had more detailed statistics. In the final season, A.Šikšnius managed to repeat the record of his career record, in a match with Pasvalys "Milk".

"Arvydas is a companion of our team and a witness to the history of the most important victories in the history of the club, so, without a doubt, the extension of the contract with this player basketball was one of the most important goals of our interjection.and will continue to wear a white t-shirt from the Juventus club.It is another part of our victory in the market segment, which requires that the members of the club and the supporters of the team are very happy, "said Eimantas Skersis, director of the club Juventus

. in accordance with our plan, and hope that in the very near future, we will be able to announce more signed contracts, "- commented on the position of the inter-season season.

In addition to A.Šikšnius, Kenny Gaines, Dovis Bičkauskis, Alexander Zakharov, Ugnius Nikitin and Karol Gušchik [19659014] The first physical training camp under the leadership of new fitness coach Mindaugas Saulevičius will select basketball players of Juventus on August 15

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