A.Tapin invites the citizens of Klaipėda to express their opinion on the activities of V.Titov


"It's a plan to continue spoiling the Russians and Lithuanians in Klaipėda." According to A.Tapin, seeing the behavior of V.Titov and the reaction of the Russian propaganda channels, it is obvious that 39, it is an important tool for these forces.

Police authorities announced Monday the investigation into the statements of Vyacheslav Titov, council member of the Klaipeda Municipality, about the commander of the partisans Adolfas Ramanauskas -Vanagas

V. The journalist invited the residents of Klaipėda to come in. Titov about A. Ramanauskas-Vanagas spoke during a discussion in the municipality last week or commemorate the recall of the partisan commander attaching a commemorative plaque to the building of the Faculty of Letters and Education of Klaipeda University

"Do you really think it is worth celebrating? about 8 thousand peaceful citizens and children? pen if there is no room for such people in Klaipėda, "said V.Titov

. He also claimed that A. Ramanauskas-Vanagas personally issued death sentences.

Similar statements of V.Titov on July 19 posted on the social network Facebook.

The Criminal Code stipulates that anyone who publicly disseminates false idiosyncrasies who have died that may result in disregard or disregard for the memory of a person is liable to public works or a fine, either by restriction of liberty or by by arrest. 19659010] (function () {
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