A.Veryga announces that drugs will not cost, and that patients feel doomed to heal but not to rejoice


Diabetic Patient 15min Ania reader points out that Minister Verdy, in his social network account, was happy to start offsetting for the purchase of insulin pumps and that henceforth, patients would Would no longer need personal money, the hand was taken and the other was removed. "

" Since July 12, insulin and diagnostic strips have resulted in very high premiums. The minister "forgot" to say that the money was just redistributed and that only one restricted group – patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus up to 24 years and pregnant women who are considering a pregnancy – are saved from the financial burden, "writes the woman in a letter to the editor.

Thursday, she was asked to pay more than 20 euros for the Tresiba 5 syringe in the pharmacy." Here with 100 percent

I point out that the 120 euros are the price of basic survival and not the normal life

Tresiba called "the most popular, the most commonly suitable for patients with the best glycemic insulin."

] "Humalog Insulin Bonus with Short Action – 5.55 Euro Also with 100% Compensation Boxes 100% Refundable Refundable Diagnostic Strips needed to determine the amount of blood in the blood – about 10 euros Since insulin does not need five syringes and the ribbon box is sufficient for only one week, with all the necessary amount of medication and remedies, my cost of survival is 120 € for three months.I emphasize that these 120 euros are the price of basic survival rather than normal life, because what is "compensated" is not enough ", – regretted the woman

A bonus called the "gift" minister

insulin "Tresiba" did not cost anything. "Of course, the strips are not paid enough, we always buy directly to representatives, the price of the box costs 12-15 euros, in pharmacy – even more expensive.The ribbons are shifted around the world. Free surveillance, which does not exist in Lithuania, he buys diabetics abroad.

  Photo by Vida Press / Diabetes mellitus

Photo by Vida Press / Diabetes mellitus

needles are fully compensated as much as necessary.We get a disposable needle in a syringe in Lithuania.And with this syringe, we leave the insulin every 20-30 and every 100 times.A needle – 100 punches, imagine what kind of infection, the likelihood of infection? After all, they go away.We buy everything for ours.Well, who has what to buy, and who does not l & # 39; is not it? And here is another gift – insulin with prices inh Now, we can bravely cry to the world that the genocide of people with diabetes began in Lithuania "- an angry woman

O u diabetes according to the new standards – not even a disease, but a way of life!

and measures that will cost more to the state later because they will have serious complications such as apathy, kidney failure, amputation of limbs, and so on.

"However, it is important for the minister today that millions be saved. True, a diabetic woman from the pharmacy has heard a happy pony: a medicine for the treatment of a rare disease has escaped her nowadays. Fortunately for the lady, her health. And, except for diabetes, according to new standards – not even an illness, just a way of life! A way of life where you do not eat your fingers, abdomen, hands or feet ten times a day to not die when you can not eat, when you want what you want, when everyone revolves around the disease.

Epilepsy can be disastrous

The neurological community is also worried about the new compensatory treatment regimen

"Generic drugs are theoretically considered to be the same as the ethic. recognized as identical even though their so-called bioequivalence, growth in drug concentration, body purification does not necessarily correspond to 100%, and can range from 80 to 120 percent ", – 15min spoke to the Department of Neurology of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, neurosurgeon of children prof. Milda Endzinienė

  123RF.com Photo / Diagnoses - Epilepsy

Photography 123RF.com / Diagnosis – Epilepsy

When a new drug is given and we do not know if it will last longer in the body, or if it will be removed more quickly, the patient may experience unpleasant side effects: "The drug is suddenly unexpectedly increased: the old, prescribed and commonly used medication has not yet gone, and the new prescribed already works." [19659002] Patients may feel unwell while the blood level is equalized. Epileptic patients are particularly sensitive to fluctuations in concentration.

"Every three months to treat medications, seizures can increase and the doctor will no longer be dissatisfied with the effects of the new drug and will stabilize the condition after the concentration. Thinking of different treatment ", – considered M.Endzinienė.

A caregiver should be a patient rather than a SAM

Doctors working with cardiovascular diseases are also well aware that the choice of medication for a patient particular is long and not always smooth.

M.Endziniene admits that he does not understand why the Ministry of Health (SAM) is viciously pulsating his nose in the pocket of the people

If j & Have a better medicine than the other that I can ban you from paying? Why is this freedom private?

"Patients in their pockets should take care of it." themselves and think about what they can afford and what else. And if I have one medicine better than another, what can I forbid to pay? According to her, the money saved on drugs may look good in the budget tables, but in the long run, patients may even have more costs: "Side effects may occur, then the patient will go back to the doctor , turn on your time. And where is the psychological tension in which parents of children with chronic diseases, especially children with disabilities, live in the same way. "

  Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min foto / Aurelius Veryga [19659031] Looking at the scandal

After hearing the neurological fears, Minister Verga acknowledged:" Of course, he there may be exceptions to each rule, individual drugs, it does not need to be generalized, to think about it. Please let the doctors inform us of the side effects. If the drug is dangerous, the doctor's obligation to report it is a system created. "

However, essentially, patients and doctors doubt the new reimbursement procedure as A.Veryga treats as a fear of innovation and a reluctance to do their homework.He does not cure his patients. [19659005] "Patients also, in addition to the help of doctors and pharmaceutical companies, created the imagination that something is safer, better. This desire to pay and pay is, to say the least, strange, because it is the patients who are complaining so far about the high price of drugs, "he added.

Not all drugs are included in the list of compensatory medications., quality treatment.

"If the patient had the habit of buying a brand name, where two active ingredients are tablets in one tablet, it would be a good idea to take a tablet. is a question of convenience rather than efficiency. I've been sitting on a website with several patients to compare blood pressure medications. The cost of drugs having the same dose and the same active substance, depending on whether they are in one or two tablets, varies in five euros. We do not modify the active substances or doses. Only the packaging of the manufacturer is changing. And if anyone had a habit of receiving rewards from companies and that he wished to stay with the same drugs, it's not about the health of the patients, but of the ethical question. The Scandinavians have lived a long time and their health is much better than ours.

Deputy Minister of Health Kristina Garuolienė, commenting 15min on the remarks of the reader from Anís, noted that the problems arise only with the insulin of a name. "Tresiba."

"The problem is programmed from the past," said the deputy minister.

When Tresiba was added to the list of reimbursement drugs in 2015, the patient's premium amounted to 48.6 euros. However, the NovoNordisk Pharma company applied a discount and the premium for the package rose to EUR 34.62

  Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min. Photo / Christina Garuolienė

Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / Christina Garuolienė

May 28, 2018 Vida Augustinienė, head of the Lithuanian Diabetes Association, approved the listing of this drug in the price list with an extra 34.62 euros, which is even better than to buy a value-added drug

"This means that V.Augustinienė does not want to have been programmed high quality patients for this drug, what is currently one of the most important premiums in the insulin group and the drug provider does not want to reduce it because he sees that patients will still tend to pay. Currently, we have to deal with the consequences: the conditions are dictated by the manufacturer, without providing any evidence that this drug is unique or has more benefits than other drugs in the group. insulin, if such evidence based on science and research were presented, SAM would not raise questions about the excess premium for this drug ", – K. Garuolienė.

There has been no premium for this insulin up to now, because the patients have been reduced.

She said that she is negotiating with the manufacturer and that she should lose her bonus in the future.

"Until now, there was no premium for this insulin because the patients used the reduction themselves, but he decided to discontinue it," added A. Veryga.

Representatives of pharmacies 15min explained that the state did not agree with the manufacturer Tresiba to increase the premium for the drug, becoming even too expensive for pharmacies. A.Veryga does not mask the situation and suggests the choice of other drugs.

One for two euros, the other for the hope of living

The chairman of the Lithuanian Patients' Forum Board, Ieva Drėgvienė said that the new drug clearing procedure and convergence benefits is very beneficial and will affect hundreds of thousands of patients.

"The reform has caused some outrage from society, but we are talking about patients who focus on the color of drug packaging." But let's look at the other side, in the patients who today do not receive any treatment, because it is expensive and inaccessible.I hope that all the measures that will be implemented in the future as part of the pharmaceutical policy will save all the money saved on innovative and vital medicines.As a society, we must understand that we must all have the right to be treated and cured.We must support each other others.Someone undergoes a 2-euro increase in drugs, but there are patients who receive no treatment and die ", – I.Driegvienė

  Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min photos / Iva Drėgvienė

Joshydas Elinskas / 15min. Ieva Drėgvienēė

SAM argues that the new tariff, established on the basis of the new procedure for calculating reimbursable basic prices of medicines and supplements for patients, as well as the approval of the ceiling for surtaxes for patients , will save about 7.2 mln.

By changing drug reimbursement levels, patients will be charged less when buying certain drugs at the pharmacy, or less, depending on the drug that they will buy.

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