A. Veryga on the reorganization of the drug: "The Scandinavians do not care about their patients"


In the process of reforming the system of compensated drugs, the public space has already made waves. People believe that they no longer receive the medications they are used to and that others are offering them instead. Meanwhile, Aurelius Veryga believes that it is just the psychological attachment to the drug because the active substance of the other drugs is the same. It is true that sometimes doctors may deliberately prescribe drugs with other active substances because they are interested in the well-being of a certain pharmaceutical company.

Health Minister Aurelius Veryga badured that expert calculations by the World Health Organization (WHO) have shown that the population's spending on drugs is enormous in Lithuania. Especially these expenses were on the shoulders of life more difficult. A recommendation from the WHO experts is therefore to reduce the premiums of the patients. According to the minister, one of the measures that will do this is the "ceiling" surtaxes of patients. "With these savings, we have been able to make decisions, that is, to increase the levels of compensation for the drugs, because some of the preparations for various diseases are not 100%. Offset These PSD budget savings have allowed the majority of diseases to increase to 100%, against the previous 80-90%.

In July, two measures came into effect that reduce patient costs, "he said." Verygos, after that, it is possible to count the possible costs to patients and establish a critical threshold for someone who does not need to pay premiums. "Sometimes the word save people causes some badociation, as if we save someone at risk. "We did not pay for the package, its color, but for the active substance," said the minister

. The minister also believed that people might be used to packaging because of psychological trust, but the most important active ingredient. And the newly prescribed drugs may not help because the doctors themselves prescribe drugs with other active substances in the interest of the outside world. "If the patient was chosen for the dose, the active substance is the dose and the active substance.The fact that he was accustomed to a brand name, where two active ingredients are compressed into a single tablet, is more a question of psychological trust than active substances and treatments

We do not modify the active ingredients nor their doses

I had to deal with situations where patients were changing. health status and asked them to send medications, and I had to read such messages that doctors appeared .. basically changed the active ingredient, another medicine, then the condition might have deteriorated.But it n & # 39; There is no need to do this, all the active ingredients are, and if someone has received money or a business salary and is interested in staying with him, that 's it. is a matter of morality, "added the minister. with an annoying patient stating that only the box, the name, but not the active ingredient is different. According to him, the effects of the active substance have different effects only on speculation.

"Small differences, if any, do not alter the effect of the drug, neither in terms of human survival nor disease." Psychological moments may cause feelings of discontent in people but the doctors must specify that the same drug is here.The Scandinavians have long lived and their condition is better. "They do not care about their patients," said A. Veryga

He did not denied that the resistance of pharmacists was received, especially in the public area, when the lawyers did not represent what the pharmaceutical company actually represented … status quo Read the speeches in the public space, the comments of the lawyers If this is to be considered as a pressure, then of course that is the case, but in a democratic country where one can express an opinion, it is normal.

But is unfortunate that sometimes these lawyers do not say not what they are and where they come from. I could imagine that such ancestors of the badociation of medicines represent them. This is what is called lobbying, and this should be clearly stated to people, "- commented A. Veryga.

Deputy Minister Kristina Garuolienė added that these changes may actually be complicated for pharmacists

At the conference, it was observed that after the transformation, people with diabetes who bought a certain type of insulin had problems with the problems after the transformation

"The pharmacists themselves used discounts earlier, the producer enjoyed a premium of 34 euros, and then 20 euros Only pharmacies will apply more this premium. (…) And it is with the insulin of a name, but here it was already a problem to include in the price list with a big bonus.Now, with the producers, we negotiate to reduce this premium in the future ", – commented the Deputy Minister.

  Pharmacy (photo by SCANPIX)

Pharmacy (photo SCANPIX)

The Ministry of Health estimates that the new price list is based on the new formula of reimbursable drug prices and patient surcharges, and that the "ceiling" patient benefits will save about 7.2 million euros. The year 's budget will be sharply reduced and patient premiums will be significantly reduced.

Currently, the level of compensation for compensatory drugs for circulatory diseases and the treatment of lipoprotein metabolism disorders and other lipidemias is being considered – instead of 80% c) The estimated additional PSDF for these drugs would be 39, about 3.6 million.

Infectious and parasitic diseases, endocrine diseases, metabolic and nutritional diseases, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the eye and its adjuvant organs, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the connective system and the Musculoskeletal system, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period, with abnormal symptoms, alterations and clinical and laboratory findings, organ transplantation, tissues and other conditions, with a compensation level of 80-90%. setting 100 percent compensation. It would cost about 4.6 million.

Fear of Missing the Cheapest Medicines

In recent days, the question of the new price list has escalated more and more in society. With regard to the price tag, pharmacists and those who are accustomed to certain medications are the most indignant buyers who do not want to change their usual medications. Of the drugs reimbursed, 500 have disappeared, nearly one-quarter of all drugs reimbursed.

Farmers told TV3 that the changes would be most affected by the country's population. And not only because they will be offered the cheapest drugs. It was changed at the last minute at the end of the entry into force of the new refund policy.

"In preparation for third-quarter drug pricing, we have run out of cooperation, we have encountered extremely short deadlines for submitting claims or rebates for refinancing. Strict price requirements, targeting the lowest prices of drugs in the European Union countries, as well as premium caps.In the price list, we have not avoided correction or correction In some cases, additional decisions were needed, and the price list was released late.In order to find the best solution for the benefit of patients, it is necessary to ensure a smooth process. more coordinated and more transparent for compiling reimbursable medicines, "said Agnė Gaižauskienė, director of Innovative Pharmaceutical Ind ustry Association (IFPA), a comment earlier


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