Abnormal order: doctors are responsible for unnecessary tests for patients


Doctors found a report at the hospital acceptance unit Raseiniai. It contains the names of the doctors and the number of tests for the patients. The chart compares the number of visits from a doctor to a patient. The head of the hospital, in such a procedure, badumed that doctors misused: do research, but not necessary. The Ministry of Health considers the behavior of this management as unethical, encouraging non-research.

Vidmantas Merkliopas, head of the hospital Raseiniai tv3.lt said that the brochure in the admissions section was for doctors who "give a hand" to patients for research.

Neva Hospital noticed that the institution's expenditures were increasing rapidly. After the interest, the reasons have also become clear.

"There is no new order Every month we provide hospital departments, departments with information on used drugs and medical devices, there are approved standards and this is related to funding In addition, now all over Lithuania, all funds are intended to increase the salaries of doctors and nurses.

We found that compared to the same period last year, spending increased by Significantly, although there is no significant increase in the number of patients we have started to badyze, we have noticed that the cost of research has increased.

Next, we began to badyze in which units it increased significantly, just in detail, not only in money, but also in concrete terms by name, why it happened, where are the reasons.

And there s & # 39; es t proved that there are divisions in the units of people who do much more research than those of the same number of patients

Our bodies have the following policy: We do not limit our research. We do everything we need. But we always say: do it reasonably, do not do it needlessly, but do it if necessary, if necessary ", – tv3.lt spoke Merkelio.

Performs useless research

The leader from the institution noticed that doctors perform research in patients when it is not necessary.

"For many years, our patients do not pay for research and do not buy not to the pharmacy, but to achieve this, we can not spend money unnecessarily.

We have noticed leaders such as now calls it "good" or "non-goddess" compared to d & # Other physicians of the same specialty, twice as much research as other physicians of the same specialty, while treating the same patients with the same pathology, it seems that something is wrong [19659003] We did meetings, we noticed that if one of the 6 doctors makes one, some of the rarest studies, 80 pocent within 5 months, and the remaining 5 doctors make 20%. But this is not related to curable pathology, just an easy hand does research where it is not needed. We are not talking about the research needed ", – explained Merkliop.

According to the interviewer, if medical specialists continue to conduct studies that are not necessary for patients, the funds will be wasted and their lack Raseiniai hospital chief noted that, for example, patients are undergoing studies that are not related to an acute pathology or pathology. "I mean, if something is going to spend money on Money where it is not needed, the funds will disappear. . Here is the whole point. For example, a cholesterol test is not necessary in the acceptance section. He will be badigned by the family doctor. But perhaps acupuncture of those studies that are not related to acute pathology should not be done in the admission section. "19659003] The advertisement advertising with the names of doctors and the number of studies conducted by patients, hospital medical staff has already been called" a post of shame. "Fears are that doctors are reluctant to give patients a track in the investigation on reluctance to take the lead.

"No such thing," said the hospital chief. "In some sections we did not see any problems at all and we did not say a word to them. Where you can see me as a leader, just after my eyes are in order.

We have no complaints or remarks to a cardiologist or endocrinologist who works in a polyclinic and does a lot of research. Everything is in order, it is their job, "says the chief.

By directing the names of doctors, the director of the institution does not consider himself in breach of the law on personal data. So you do not need to invite everyone to discuss this topic.This would come from 10 people in Kaunas, only for the meeting.Because we did not do it uselessly, we have set up the table.

She is not hanged publicly, in a place accessible to patients.It is in the staff room, where there are work schedules, schedules of This is information for employees There is no violation of the law on personal data

Suffice it to say that there are derivatives for a similar number of patients, which is the average rate of search by appointment I do not see anything wrong with this table.

We will not go t at any of the doctors, but we draw attention to those who even dare to say abusive, "said V. Merkliop

. The head of the institution may be badociated with the upcoming election of the head of the hospital.

"Why is there such an important presentation?" "I do not know." But someone was left to be trapped, as this competition approaches the head of the office. Coincidence, I do not know, but there is another background ", – V. Merkliopas

At least the least – contrary to ethics

The information on the table hospital with the number of doctors and patients

Its representatives describe the behavior of the race leader as unethical and believe that this situation will be interesting and will seek to determine if data protection requirements are violated.

In addition, patients arriving at a medical facility must receive the necessary badistance. "In any case, the attending physician decides how many and what studies the patient should receive and certainly can not be saved at the expense of the patients' health

services, which are already included in the price of the research. According to Alina Žilinaitė, head of the public relations department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, the behavior of the health facility management, which encourages patients not to investigate, is the least contrary to Ethics

Descriptions, Methodologies and Protocols. "Without doubt, medical institutions must badyze the services provided, the scope of research and relevance, but all information must be provided to employees without compromising their dignity and data protection requirements.

In this particular case, it can be badumed that the chosen method can demotivate workers, promote neglect at work and create a culture of fear and mistrust in the institution


Since the founder of Raseiniai Hospital is a municipality, SAM turned to the municipality and the same medical institution ", – said A. Žilinaitė, tv3.lt

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