Actress G. Latvėnaitė: The spiritual and other affairs of women


Bergman's Sweater

On July 14, the centenary of the birth of Ingmar Bergman, writer, screenwriter, playwright and gigantic Swedish director, greatly influenced the twentieth century. movie creator. The 89-year-old film survivor was constantly wearing a sweater worn by his fifth wife, Ingrid. Even photographs do not deteriorate with hollow elbows.

"This sweater is a reflection of what the monologue" Spiritual Affairs ", which he created in 1972, says in a psychologically multidimensional role of Viktoria Egelman in the performance created by G.Latvineitė:" People want to look like this. What is missing, therefore, they often wear masks, and the piece speaks of what we really are: the soul, a routine like his, this Bergman sweater. "

The inexpressible soul soul explore I.Bergman drew the director Cyril Glushayev In the" spiritual affairs "the heroine of G.Latvineitė, a woman of forty-three years, goes through a loneliness and / or or loneliness lacks human warmth. "The indifference, the wounds of the inner life, the world in the eyes of the eyes – which of us have not experienced it?" – The actress rhetorically asks .

Selection of the type of festival

In May, Monaspect's "Spiritual Affairs" represented the "Modern Drama Valley" of the professional theater festival in Lithuania. Arrived in Shanghai, the largest city in China, was amazed by the flashy posters with his image – Gintarė was chosen as the theme of the festival. "I fear that the audience in China do not understand this performance, it is difficult to read the titles.After listening to the critics, I realized that no matter what country you live in and the language you speak , we all have similar feelings. "The piece speaks in one language" – remember an exciting experience

"I am a man, but I feel the same as the hero of this performance, and my suffering has shown here ", after the representation, which has erased the boundaries between the bades, cultural experiences, admits one of the male spectators must be: help to live, making him think of his values, able to answer questions of 59011] These moments allow to entrust the role of a professional mission and, in general, theater, convinced by the actress G.Latvėnaitė appreciated the greatest scenic control of the prize – the Golden Stage Cross – would like the importance of this artist to be perceived by the state of Lithuania. Criticizing her attitude towards talented creators, G.Latvineitė did not return to receive the highest theatrical award for Celina's role in Marius Ivaškevičius's play "The Mysteries". It is believed to be the mother who asked to read the written message.

"The theater must be like that: to help people live, to make them think about their values, capable of answering questions of the day". – It is good that such a small Lithuania can surprise such a giant China. We Lithuanians are capable of capturing extreme things and making them understandable.

The day survived

Working with an emotionally painful dramatic material, a monastic exercise, a rehearsal with the director who is also a spouse

"It was a huge gift." Kirill – as a rare talented director, built a great team.It was more difficult for him for me, – the actress smiled, remembering the first rehearsals .– I was very surprised to We have to work immediately on arrival, we actors who are used to getting up, talk before work, and here – to get to the court, immediately the recipe – the whole leg. "

Such discipline also gives life to G.Latvnaitė in life, she gives him a day that she prepares in advance for all her work, does what she planned: "Then you do not miss the day and you live 19659003] She admits that it is the performance "Spiritual Affairs" that i gave the impetus to listen more to themselves, to be as it is, and not to what others would like to see: "I teach it every day. And it's really difficult, like learning to walk. "

History of" Urvinis "

Without a doubt, you also saw another Ladynaitė, an angry laugh, ironic, openly open, forcing [3959003]" They do not need to me to play, "laughs the actress who grows up to twelve, son of eight and three years old."

The intertwined reality of life and the scene led to the creation of an artist. a new genre – mom's stand. "I started writing my personal stories, preparing a one-hour program.I would like to create a community in the theater with the help of mothers for share their experiences, help each other, play with children and grow.I was planning the first in the fall, but I have other suggestions, I will go to Christmas, "- they intrigue the plans, but they publish them both, they only want to speak when they can say something concrete

You will not be able to miss either

The Most Adorned With Laughter

If anyone had ever said that she would participate in a fashion photo shoot, she would only laugh … Svetlana Pučkova, a Ukrainian designer of Ukrainian origin She was looking for her new clothing and jewelry collections for the famous Lithuanian women who looked like the legendary British actress Tilda Swinton, who looked the same strong and distinct and a woman of deep intelligence, and found G.Latwenaite

It is true that she spoke intensely It was necessary to make efforts after the rehearsals of G.Latvonaite, after studying the works of the creator S. Pučkova, Of course, the actress surrendered: "I have gained a wonderful experience – today it is not a little unfortunate. "And that I seemed to be similar to the famous British actress, I was only encouraged and more engaged."

And all four actors who drove with the performance "Europeans" after Lithuania, they invented practicing laughter in the morning. and film, share in a group of closed feisbucch – so that no one crushes it.

"Every morning we had to do the work – start the day with laughter.It's exactly the job, because it's hard to laugh when we get up." At first, it gets a little abnormal, but when we learn that it is a wonderful start to the day ", – shared the experience gained by G.Latvėnaitė

Like to feel easy

Well, as well as other very important women's affairs For three years, the actress who starred in the short musical Sudie S said that she was already forgotten: it was a short MfESt musical festival, whose authors developed the theme of food and encouraged the public to think of the creature of a slender body

sang a short musical G.Latvėnaite was another interesting experiment, but the Kilogram problem does not exist for her.

"I understand one thing: if you want to follow the diet, keep it, and do not get angry.The most important thing is how do you feel? For example, I want to feel easy. I like it.When I'm easy, it's easier for me to be a good mother, a good wife, a good actress.That's why our house was naturally sporty. Of course, you first need to tune the ear, but when you get the results, it motivates you.We all tend to move.This has been a habit, "- said the l & # 39; actress

And more … Just remember to talk about the summer: holidays, creepy roses and other fun stuff. What does the summer actress? L.Latvonets responds to Lyudmila a monologue of the play "Mother (Vasa Železnova)": "Entering the garden, wrapped in dew in the sun, I seem to have fallen into Cerkva. I'm fine, it's even going to start singing … "

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