Agrochema has opened a new grain supply site in New Akmenė



Agrochema, one of the country's largest service and agricultural products companies, is strengthening its position in the cereals market – opened a new area of Purchase cereals in Akmenė. During this year, Agrochema plans to buy about 650,000 farmers from farmers. tons of grain, and in the elevator take 450 thousand. "The current weather conditions for farmers are particularly complex.Because of excessive rains of autumn, it was not possible to sow winter crops in the autumn: at In the spring, crop growth was hampered by drought and jawbone began a few weeks earlier, according to D. Karpavičius, to help farmers finish harvesting faster, a new cereal purchase was opened at Akmene, according to D. Karpavičius, according to Darwin Karpavicius, general manager of Agrochema

.The site can accept about 850 tons of cereals a day.

Currently, Agrochema owns 10 grain elevators and 4 platforms. purchase of cereals. "We intend to strengthen our position in the grain procurement market. We started the first stages last year, when Achemos Grupe acquired the group of companies "Litagros prekyba". At present, we are expanding our business under the general brand Agrochema, which is why we can offer farmers a wide range of grocery stores and grain warehouses during the funeral holiday. We are continuing our development in the new regions, where we have not yet provided services, "explains Karpavich

. Agrochema has developed a three-year development plan for the grain market and renovation of the infrastructure. According to D. Karpavičius, the company itself feels a bitter feeling; therefore, in Taurage, the grain reception capacity has been increased thanks to the installation of the fourth reception pit and to Kupiškis and Vilkaviškis. In addition, an additional 10,000 euros will be used in Šeduva at the beginning of August. tonnes of cereals

"This year, wheat yields are expected to decrease, but barley growth is expected.According to our experts, grain harvest is expected to reach about 5 million tons, which is 20 less than last year According to D. Karpavicius,

Agrochema is one of the largest agro-industrial enterprises in the country, actively developing its activities in the Baltic States. types of liquid and bulk fertilizers, plant protection products, seeds, feeds and additives, peat products, labeled diesel. Agrochema also sells cereals from various crops, provides drying, cleaning and grain storage services.

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