Alexander Sajenko, head of the company "Nos métiers", is imprisoned


When the company headed by A. Sajenko, the SNB confirmed that its last business day was Wednesday.

"During the year I was reborn (…), I will say in one word – incapacity, treat as you want," Sajenko

The spokesperson of the penitentiary department, Simona Banėnienė BNS has confirmed that Sajenko's office is leaving his will

"However, significant changes are expected and related to the activities of this society." According to the Minister, the Minister of Justice, Elvinas Jankevičius, regretted that the Minister of Justice, Elvinas Jankevičius, either being proactive and doing his job, "said S. Banieniene

. "Apparently, the director wants to find a lighter job, he wrote the application himself, his activities met the ministry, there are really a lot of problems in our jobs: there are arrears, there is a big warehouse of goods available.Maybe the director believes that everything can be solved in a month.But the budget has already been put in place, it is a state-owned enterprise, "said E. Jankevicius Tuesday, SNB.

"It's a shame it's sort, but what can we do if somebody voluntarily?"

The Prisons Department is currently studying the possibility of transferring some of " Our trades "to certain services, such as the activities of prison shops – now it is private companies that have entered into contracts with penitentiary institutions, they are positive," said A. Sajenko.

E. Jankevičius says that the initiative is also supported by the Ministry

More than 900 convicts serving prison sentences are employed by the public company "Our Crafts", which has branches in Alytus, Marijampolė and Pravieniškės, as well as in Vilnius and Panevezys. The convicts produce metal and wood products, casts, furniture and work in a sewing machine.

At the end of 2016, the company's audits identified violations of management, procurement, property and personnel. Alvydas Vadeika, former head of the company "Our Crafts", was released in March following the violations. by verifying the criminal information on allegedly illegal actions by the company's head and his employees.

The information portal announced that "Our craftsmanship" in 2015 established a laundry and signed a contract with the company "Švaros standartas" works for "Our trades" after winning competitions for laundry services. It was found that the "Criterion of cleanliness" in our premises "Our crafts" could use the washing equipment and the work force of the convicts for their own belongings

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