Almost 100 kg of weighed Toliat changed unrecognizablely: he said how


Specialist in healthy eating Vaida Kurpienė presented her book "A Lively for Life". The supporters of Vaida took part in the presentation, which threw them a few dozen pounds.

The priest Algirdas Toliatas also came to welcome the nutritionist who, with the help of Vaidas, has been living in good health for five years and is losing a lot of weight.

Do not like the rules

Algirdas, who was a child of a circle, weighed 93 kilos in 2013. "Almost nothing I do, there are only a few principles left: oriental porridge, water, spiritual things." The body took some rhythm and now everything succeeds in itself. "

According to the priest, at the beginning of the program, it was not easy in the beginning: "Although I am a priest, I do not like the rules when everything is framed.

I told myself that 3 months are not so much, I will do what I need. Later, I had a shotgun, the scale showed a lot, I wanted to get better results. Every week I had to take a look at what I had eaten all week, I wanted to write a note of conscience. "

Quick result

The result of A. Toliat has been seen in a month: "A quick result makes us want to go on and do what is right, it affected my life and my life when I saw that it worked. I wanted to share with others. "

Algirdas said that he had to change some old habits, namely reduce the amount of sugar, eat less potatoes, throw plates of flour and of course understand that alcohol consumption not only affected weight loss, but also the body.

Vaidos Kurpienė's book is for women who want to feel good in their bodies without pain, without grief and without extreme, on the contrary: to feel satiety, to savor food and to enjoy their achievements.

Building on her knowledge and experience, Vaida Kurpienė organized a 10-step habit exchange program and described it in a new book.

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