An impressive six-monthly harvest: huge ships fill the pockets of Klaipėda Port Business


"Good month of June, exclusive.We had not this June.It's fun," said Arvydas Vaitkus, general manager of the Port Authority.

In June, the port handled 3.93 million tonnes. tons, that's 17%. more than in June last year. According to A.Vaitkaus, the 4 million are approaching. tons of turnover a month, which are encouraging figures that can be proud both in Lithuania and internationally.

The volume of goods in June was greatly increased by the increase in container handling. During the first month of summer, large scale MSC container ships, of a length of 360 meters, were flown to Klaipeda. General merchandise volumes in June, compared with the same month last year, increased by 50%.

"It's a fantastic leap," said A.Vaitkus.

According Arturas Director of Marketing and General Affairs of the Port Authority "In the summer, the port's business figure is still felt, but this month of June is exceptional because of the redistribution of containers started at Klaipėda harbor, where MSC vessels began to sail, "said A. Drungilas. Container handling rose 86% in June

40 thousand more goods were handled during the first half of the year compared to last year at the same time. These figures had a significant impact on the overall handling results over the last half year.

"A big leap in container handling -" Klaipedos Smelte "is running at full speed I want the company to continue to wish for such pains of concern this year by receiving and processing boats," – said the chief of the port authority A.Vaitkus.

  Photo by A.Pelakauskas / MSC Francesca Harbor will leave Monday afternoon Monday afternoon. ] Photo: A.Pelakauskas / The port of MSC Francesca will leave Monday afternoon in Klaipeda, Lithuania </p>
<h2>  Emerging activity </h2>
<p>  The main container growth center is the container distribution center, located in the company " Klaipedos smelte ". Ten years ago, Terminal Investment Limited, the main owner of the global giant Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), acquired the "Klaipedos Smeltenas" </p>
<p>  .In May, by decision of the MSC Klaipedos uostas was included in the "Australia Express "and" Indian Ocean / East Africa Express "ocean rotation. Giant ships arriving in Klaipeda bring loads to the Lithuanian, Belarussian and Ukrainian markets, as well as treshing containers, which are stored in the port for 3-7 days and smaller boats to other ports. – St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Helsinki and other neighboring ports. </p>
<div clbad=  Photo of the port of Klaipėda. / Early July, the largest container ship in the history of the port arrived in Klaipeda -

photo of the port of Klaipėda. / Early July, the largest container ship in the history of the port arrived in Klaipeda – MSC Topaz

During the first half, 22.16 million tons of cargo were handled in the port of Klaipeda . tons of freight, or 7.6%. more than last year at the same time the result reached 20.5 million.

This result among the ports located on the east coast of the Baltic is the second only in St. Petersburg, where freight increased by 3.7 million during the first half of the year. tons, and in Klaipėda – 1.6 mln. tons. The turnover of other ports exceeded the volume of the first half of the previous year or decreased.

Revenue rose

According to Martynas Armonaitis, director of the economy and finance of the Port Authority, the results of the expedition are more important. For six months of the year, the port authority has collected 6 percent. more than last year – 30.35 million. euro Only in June, profits rose by a fifth to reach 5.4 million. euro

Vidmantas Dambrauskas, chairman of the Association of Lithuanian Handling Companies, estimates that the result of the year's port handling will be satisfactory – it will increase by 5-6%.

"I am delighted that the port companies of Klaipėda complement each other, help, there is a company that has the port loaded.This year, the company is" Klaipėdos smeltė ", that we want to congratulate with the long-awaited breakthrough ", – said V.Dambrauskas. It is expected that the turnover of this huge shipyard will reach about 10 million tons after the operation of the distribution center. instead of 1-2 million tonnes a year. tons

Last year, the port of Klaipėda handled 43.17 million tons of goods. tons of freight.

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