An interesting tragedy is Valdas Urbonas delighted to broadcast from Spain. Sport


Although Liechtenstein rivals play in the second Swiss league, the game lasted roughly. In the first quarter of the year, "Žalgiris" had some dangerous opportunities, but did not do them.

After a break, Vaduz began to make more offensive and did Dzyug Bartku several times

And so Valdas Urbonas is already calling a beautiful tradition. By the way, the injured coach did not work full time during the preparation period, and the trainer did not spare his student's words: "This is a player who We have seen times when he has shown his mastery and he exploits situations that may not be very much in the European league. "

V. Urbonas did not tend to rejoice after the victory, but said that what he had put in place was successful

Despite this, we won a victorious fight. We realized, although there were serious moments, good times, difficult places, and the work we did yielded a result. We wanted to score and not to miss. This plan has been completed. We must prepare ourselves seriously for the trip and extend this series ", – V. Urbonas made the match.

We wanted to score and not to miss.This plan was completed.The coach still sees the reserves of his team, one of the largest – the standard situation, with the power of "Žalgiris" already experienced in the first phase of the European qualifying phase in the Faroe Islands.

Although the corner "Žalgiris" V.Urbonas had ordered his players not to send the ball into the penalty area at the last minute of the match in Vilnius, but the referee blew the end of the match, just after the match ended. [19659002] "The risk is always measured Zigmund Gedvilla / 15min photo / European league match: Žalgiris – Vaduz" rel = "content-image" src = " / europos-lygos-rungtyn es-zalgiris-vaduz-5b5a1a7937b94.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / European league match:" Žalgiris "" – Vaduz

Lithuanian football fans repeated Thursday because the spread of Vilnius has revealed no television in the country, but V.Urbonas does not tend to throw stones either at the LRT or at other TV gardens: "We do our job Attract the audience and the way things go pbad … Lithuanian clubs would like to pay more attention to the popularity of football, but it's like that. "

  Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min. Photo: European league match: Žalgiris - Vaduz [19659015] Žigmundas Gedvilos / Photo of 15min / European championship match: Žalgiris - Vaduz </p>
<p>  If the inhabitants of Vilnius jump to the Liechtenstein club barrier, then another those very much higher. In the third round, Zalgiris would probably have been a test of the famous Sevilla </p>
<p>  Spain began its first match while the match in Vilnius was over but V. Urbonas said that the show was about to start. Spain would not be visible, but Thursday afternoon. Vaduz "</p>
<p>  Meanwhile, the coach of Lihtenštein's team, Rolandas Vrabeckas, said at the press conference that it was not acting as a defeat [19659014] Žalgiris – Vaduz ” rel=”content-image” src=”” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/> </p>
<p>  Žygimantas Gedvilos / 15min </p>
<p>  "I do not remember good odds" Zalgiris ", in the second, the second round of the match. In the second half, we made good opportunities. I think it will be difficult for Vaduca to be very patient and we must beat the other side. It will be tense and the teams will have 50-50 ", declared the strategist Vaduz </p>
<p>  The match between Zalgiris and Vaduz will take place next Thursday in Liechtenstein. </p>
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