An intoxicated man in the Joniškis district killed a friend: he turned out who is in danger


A drunk driver in Joniškis district killed a pbadenger. Both men were driven by rescuers from the car, and one of them was taken to the hospital for death. But the author suffered quite easily, he was rushed to hospital since the hospital.

The accident was reported before noon in Joniškis district, Linkaičiai. The working day was not until 11 o'clock, and the people of Linkaičiai were praising it. A very healed man was driving at the wheel. After the blow to the tree, the rescuers had to be called, the driver was squeezed and the firefighters were able to fire him first.

A little later, the pbadenger was released and cut. Both men were taken to the hospital. The 49-year-old pbadenger died and died after several hours of injury. But the 52nd driver had only one bent cage that did not need a hospital accident for the accident.

A man who had been pushed into a crisis for more than half a dozen people. For a tragic accident, he may be sentenced to a ten-year prison colony.

Details – in the reportage of TV3.

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