Archeology as the potato? After the scandal, bones swallowed in Zeimel


We have already announced that archeology enthusiasts and professionals perceive a danger to the rich history of the Zemgale subsoil. The Movement for the Conservation of the Environment and Heritage and several other organizations have contacted the Director of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Vidmantas Bezar, and the Department of Šiauliai of the CRD, urging that urgent measures be taken regarding the deposit Zeimel potentially destroyed.

It has been said that such a danger to heritage is threatened by allegedly negligent archaeological investigations. Many observations – bones of people in piles of soil, excavator trapped in an excavator, search section too narrow. The evidence was also presented in visual form.

A number of questions were put to the responsible authorities. Answers received after a few weeks raised other questions. Concerns are the indifference of institutions and the lack of understanding of the historical and archaeological treasure left in the field of commercial research.

Rescue operation?

We remind you that the deposit of Žeimelis is one of the largest and richest witnesses of Semigallian culture – a vast chronology and numerous tombs.

People have discovered a variety of ancient things each spring in their own gardens.

The work is being done by Archaeoheritage, a public institution of the archaeologist Romas Jarockis. The archaeologist says that the work done so far is actually a life-saving job, a subway ditch that covers what had already been dug in last year.

The words of the archaeologist did not make any discussion. The institutions have been solicited several times because the clear answer to specific questions from the CRD has not been received.

Potential violations captured by public figures

Potential violations captured by public figures

On the other hand, I am happy that at least some attention is given to this object – we hope it will be more likely to be qualitatively tested.

Archaeological science entrusted to a contractor?

The questions also briefly comment on the official responses of the responsible authorities. This means that government expressions are not satisfied with heritage concerns.

Bones and the contractor were instructed to swallow anything that was in earthen stakes – as they were within their purview.

The result is that the bones have been picked up from the pile and the contractor has been instructed to filter everything – as if it were within his competence. All the other sightings looked like peas on the wall.

It should be noted that the mechanized excavations on the territory of the deposit of Žeimel are justified without reserve. They are based on an archaeological research program, but the results of an archaeological – non-scientific, heritage protection – are pretreated pragmatically as "primer without archaeological value".

Heritage rescuers are disappointed to have forgotten the fact that the site of the old town of Zeimel could endure – valuable properties and unspecified territory up to now.

The unprofessional details of the CRD response were also observed – responsibility for collecting individual bones from the Zeimel deposit, depressing and transmitting the soil to the contractor UAB Šiaulių plentas or Šiauli r. the municipality, which in this case is nothing. Žeimelis – Pakruojis district.

CRD's response states: "The department will oblige the department of Šiauliai to write to the contractor UAB Šiaulių plentas to indicate that the area of ​​the soil storage site on which parts of the human skeleton have been detected will be controlled by sieving. After detecting fragments of human remains in accordance with the Law on Local Self-Government, Siauliai d. the municipality will have to ensure the appropriate transfer of parts of human remains. & # 39;

Archaeological excavations in Zeimel

Archaeological excavations in Zeimel

The question naturally arises: is not it the work and the duty of the researcher in archeology? Did the CRD entrust this work directly to the infrastructure companies? What then is the archaeologist who obtained the research permit?

Ask to find the authors or provide data

This is not all – the department's response concludes that the Ministry, after conducting the inspection and questioned the contractors and the archaeologist, did not find that the statements made in the request and in the application were correct as to the possible destruction of the graves during archaeological investigations.

VIDEO: Zeylel's heritage in a pile of earth

The answer is that the demand and demand images do not detect that some of the bursts could have been damaged during the mechanized destruction.

It is claimed that visible mechanized excavation marks are visible in the upper layers of the earth, but not at the same level as the parts of the remains.

The organizations simply returned all their videos and offered to reevaluate them. He also requested the supply of all photographic attachment material for detailed shredding.

It was also difficult to understand why the pavement discovered during archaeological research had begun to disintegrate without the decision of the Department of the Department's evaluation of the actual cultural heritage for its protection.

Potential violations captured by public figures

Potential violations captured by public figures

No response has been received and a request for clarification of the initial destruction of this object in 2018. the circumstances. Then heavy machinery in the Zeimel Protected Area simply did work without archaeological research and was likely to have caused a lot of damage to the immobile cultural layers.

He was repeatedly asked to know what (KPD, Pakruojis District Municipality or other officials) until 2018. By the end of the year, the works were stopped and allowed to destroy the deposit from Žeimelis (17179) – to carry out infrastructure work on Bauskauss Street. without archaeological research.

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