At the election of the mayor, the "peasants" draw a secret card


According to sources, the "peasants" are looking for the most suitable candidate for the post of mayor of Vilnius. All eyes are on V. Sinkevičius, president of the "peasants" of the city of Vilnius. He tries to convince him to take part in the elections and the leaders of the SJL in the parliament and the majority of the party in the Vilnius city department. According to sources, the attention of V. Sinkevich reportedly increased after the candidacy of the mayor of the capital, with the "peasant" flag, was not hated by the deputy Antanas Guoga and the president of the Seimas National Security and Defense Committee, Vytautas Bakas.

V. Sinkevičius confirmed that he was one of the four candidates for the position of Mayor of Vilnius, who is being dealt with by the Vilnius branch of the PLA.

"Yes, many members of the department have raised my candidacy," said V. Sinkevicius.

The "farmer" did not specify how many members of the division had applied to the mayor of the capital.

V. Sinkevicius did not hide the support of members of the Sejm peasant group and members of the Vilnius City antenna, but has not yet indicated he would accept to participate in the election of the mayor.

"I think the section will meet and they will decide, they will examine the potential candidates.We will follow the procedures outlined in section.I appreciate the faction colleagues and the support of the vice president of the department, Rim Baškienė: Without a doubt, I appreciate your support and I am grateful to you for your kind words and confidence, "said V. Sinkevicius, asking him if he would accept becoming a" farmer "candidate for the Mayor of Vilnius.

V. Sinkevich said that his current position in the government and parliament would not interfere with his participation in the mayor's election.

"I can apply both as Minister of the Economy and as a member of the Seimas," said the speaker.

R. Karbauskis: He would be the strongest

The first vice-president of the Seimas, the vice-president of the LSSR, Rima Baškienė, in an interview with, did not hesitate that, during the discussions about the "farmers" candidates to the mayor of Vilnius , his favorite is V. Sinkevičius, and LMU member Tomas Tomilinas, who first expressed his desire to participate in the trial ceremony. R. Baškienė still needs to grow.

"I have my favorite in Vilnius – V. Sinkevicius. […] V. Sinkevičius has the enthusiasm of young people, he is able to solve various problems, "- said R. Baškienė during this week's interview published by

Member of the Board of Vilnius branch of the PLA, the parliamentarian Virginija Vingrienė, was not concealed in the section as a candidate for the support of V. Sinkevicius to the Mayor of Vilnius.

"Of course, there are such opinions, we each have different opinions, there are those who offer (V. Sinkevičius –, but he decides himself, whether or not he wants to be a candidate Until now, he has not expressed such a wish. […] Of course, I would be one of those who support him, "said V. Vingrienė.

Ramūnas Karbauskis, chairman of the farmers' union, Ramūnas Karbauskis,, asked if V. Sinkevicius would, in his opinion, be an appropriate candidate for the LSSR of the Mayor of Vilnius, answered the questions.

"Do you think that the inhabitants of the city of Vilnius, of the constituency in which V. Sinkevicius was appointed, did not evaluate his skills and knowledge? Do you think he did not? Did not badess his abilities when he was elected president of the party section in Vilnius? Do you think he was appointed minister of government without badessing his abilities and talents? "asked Karbauskis.

"If we talk about this possible candidate to the mayor of Vilnius, it is clear that he would be the strongest candidate of the mayor of Vilnius, announced now.It is unlikely", – V. Sinkevich was honored by the "peasant" chef who has not spared.

R. Karbauskis said that V. Sinkevicius, if he was appointed and elected mayor of Vilnius, would bring to the capital what he considers to be the most important lack of the city: a progressive thinking allowing Attract investment.

It is true that R. Karbauskis did not hide that V. Sinkevičius would face several serious challenges in the fight for the post of Mayor of Vilnius. According to him, V. Sinkevicius is not as well known as, for example, the former liberal Democrat Remigijus Šimašius, candidate of the Mayor of Vilnius, or Arturas Zuokas as a potential candidate.

"City-dwellers may wonder whether such a young man can be a mayor, for example, the fact that V. Sinkevich is directly linked to the" peasants "and we now witness such a negation of power. It's not a benefit.This is a social networking bubble and more people on Facebook are using Facebook than in the regions.But I believe that people will choose and that their choice will be correct in any case.

But if I became a student at the university, I would definitely choose V. Sinkevičius from all the candidates mentioned, and I would not regret that solution, "said Karbauskis.

The leader of the LSU has not contradicted the fact that, if V. Sinkevicius was to be elected mayor of Vilnius and win the elections, the governors should look for a new minister of the economy.

"We can find a very large number of people who are not members of political parties today.This political post is temporary.There may be a wonderful minister, but in certain circumstances, he may lose these positions in a few months and his skills will not be viable in the long run.Yes, in any case, businessmen will not be really happy if this minister must leave office to become mayor, but on the other hand, I will be very happy with the city ​​of Vilnius, "said Karbauskis.

A. Guoga and V. Bakas also left

18 October V. Sinkevicius, chairman of the LNGS branch in Vilnius, announced that the department is considering four candidates for the post of mayor of the capital. According to, the situation of "peasants" of Vilnius has not changed so far – four candidates are still in the section. V. Sinkevich revealed that, in addition to him, the name of NSGK chief, V. Bak, is among the four potential candidates. As previously mentioned, Baka himself announced that he would refuse to run. This decision was also taken by the MEP Guogu.

T. Tomilinas, a member of the "peasant" faction of the Seimas, has submitted his candidacy to the mayor of the capital city department of LIEU Vilnius.

According to V. Sinkevicius, the department will decide a "farmer" candidate to the mayor of Vilnius and will publish it until 28 December. His determination – to become a "farmer" candidate for the mayor of Vilnius – was promised earlier by V. Sinkevich.

"The decision may be earlier.At the end of December, we will certainly have a candidate (the mayor of Vilnius –", – said V. Sinkevičius. recalls that the current head of the capital, the former liberal R. Shimašius, the conservative Dainius Kreivys, the Social Democrats Gintautas Paluckas, leader of the Labor Party Viktoras Uspaskichas, and the president of the Green Party Lithuania's Remigijus Lapinskas will participate in the forthcoming presidential elections in Vilnius Mayor. The former parliamentary movement Arturas Paulauskas "Forward, Lithuania" puts the mayor of Vilnius in candidacy for the mayor of the former capital, entrepreneur Vilius Navickas.

The former mayor Arturas Zuokas has not yet been officially confirmed by the potential candidate in the mayor's election.

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