At the meeting of TS-LKD G.Paluckas: I wanted to bring smoked beaver, but we ate ourselves


Several thousand people came to the rally of all Lithuania. Those who want to better prepare for the upcoming race have been tested in the sport. Gintautas Paluck, president of the Social Democratic Party, who visited the event last year, joked, "If Gabrielius does not join, then come with us."

As expected, the public loved jokes about storks. A person appeared in paradise, ironic smiles appeared in the members of the community. "Who invited them here?" – Livija Gradauskienė, the director of the joke, joked.

"These storks are not accidental, it was a difficult time," recalled G.Landsberg in his speech. The party chairman also recalled that the purpose of the event was not only to have fun, but also to prepare for the upcoming elections.

G. Palackas, who came to the TS-LKD, presented a gift and added: "I wanted to bring smoked beaver, we were eaten."

The president of the Social Democratic Party appeared on the scene of the event. event and talked about the policy led by the leaders. According to him, when it is not possible to create a better future, I try to create a more abominable past.

"This meeting is intended for rallying before the start of the next three years of the election campaign marathon, and discussions are also being held with party chairman Gabriel Landsberg to discuss the strengthening of Europe and the Lithuania's resistance to the hybrid threats of hostile states, especially during election campaigns, on which procedures and methods will be discussed in separate groups – A positive statement in the press

"We are a broad community and friendly, so we understand that we will go traditionally to the summer meeting to be able to communicate in an informal environment, have sense of humor with friends and family. "We will not be absent without debate, as we have managed to hold a rather complicated political period, and there will even be three elections in the coming years," said Gabriel Landsbergis, chairman of the TS-LKD

. The open primary election of the mayor, and the right candidate to the presidents of the country is also an open selection. National policy addresses the challenges of budgeting. The summer rally is an excellent opportunity to discuss future challenges and the new direction we will give Lithuania to discuss the rate of our close friends with whom we will fight.

While some members of the TS-LKD community shocked and shared the good things.

The Belgium-England football match was of great interest. G.Landsberg at a meeting with party members revealed that he is suffering from the Croatian team. Admittedly, he acknowledges that this football championship is not envisaged for obvious political reasons.

After a debate, a play, a concert and a long-lasting disco, members of the TS-LKD community will gather en mbade for the Prienai Church. ] (function () {
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