At the seaside, there will be night serenades and the spire of Courlande


Photo by Mikhail Rashkovsky

In August, Lithuanian traditional national philharmonic events will be held in Lithuanian seaside resorts. The cycle of concerts of the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra "Night Serenades" will be played in Palanga for the 47th season. And in Neringa – Nida and Juodkrante – the 20th anniversary of the "Curonian Spit" festival, initiated here 20 years ago, will take place at Musica humana and its artistic director

One of the most beautiful seaside resorts of the museum. Amber Palanga, August 1-4 will play the "Night Serenades" in the 47th season of three concerts. The permanent collective of this festival is the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra (LKO) headed by the orchestra conductor Sergey Krylov, one of the most creative orchestras of Lithuania which has acquired much of experience and recognition in the western world.

LKO meets conductors Vilmantas Kaliūnas and Ben Cricku soprano Lina Dambrauskaite, flute Giedrius Gelgotas, violinist Gerald Bidva, altar Jurgis Juozapaitis, cellist Tomu Collingwood. As soon as he listens to the neo-clbadical architecture of Tyszkiewicz's Palace, the orchestra presents the programs of Little Night Clbadics in the "Night Serenades" cycle. The third evening will be an emotional musical feast, in which will be performed polyphonic works by composers of various eras.

August 1 Lina Dambrauskaitė, currently studying at the prestigious London Opera House of the Royal Academy, will perform with the orchestra at the first "Night Serenades" concert. The orchestra conducts the Lithuanian maestro Vilmantas Kaliūnas resident in Germany, who studied with teachers Nicolas Pasquet at the Weimar Music Academy, the world-renowned orchestral conductor. From 2014 He is the permanent badistant of Maestro Carl-Marek Chichon

The cycle of concerts will begin with the traditional composition of this festival, which became "Little Night Music" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. With her, fragments of the oratories of Baroque spokesman Georg Friedrich Händel and Mozart's vocal masterpieces.

August 3 The special "Night Serenades" program promises special impressions after the summer sky. It offers a playful continuation Johann Sebastian Bach and two symphonies of Joseph Haydn and W. A. ​​Mozart. The solo will be performed by three Lithuanian musicians, eminent professionals in the field, able to speak their instruments in a particularly delicate and masterful way: the flute Giedrius Gegotas, the violinist Geraldas Bidva and the altar Jurgis Juozapaitis

. The LKO guests will be guests from Britain, tramp master Maestro Ben Crick, who has established himself as an innovative and original artist with a keen interest in English in the 20th century. the musician and cellist Tomas Collingwood, linked to Lithuania since 2008 while he was playing at the concerts of the festival "Disobedient Land". The music of this evening program is like a loud sound, surrounded by baroque refinement, breathtaking romance, and the twentieth century. the beginning of the conspiracy; In addition to composers such as Piotr Tchaikovsky or Luigi Boccherini, we will hear the works of English composers Edward Elgar and Gustavo Holst.

In the next big seaside resort of Lithuania – Neringa – the jubilee, the 20th international chamber music festival "Curonian Spit" will start at the same time. It will run from August 1 to September 8 and will be dedicated to the commemoration of the centenary of the restoration of the Lithuanian state.

Eight programs will be presented in Nida and Juodkrante, 13 concerts will be organized (some programs will be played in Nida and Juodkrante). 1999 August Neringa prof.

The main idea of ​​the Curonian Spit is to present the most remarkable works of past eras and contemporary composers of the Baltic region to vacationers and tourists coming to the seaside. 39; main performer of the festival is the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Chamber Music Ensemble "Musica humana". Program events include our most famous instrumentalists, soloists, singers and ensembles. "At all times I have traveled to Neringa, a country of delightful nature, and led to music, painters, sculptors, architects, writers and poets.This expanse of peculiarity, which separates the sea from the lagoon, attracts everyone as if the transcendental energy was coded, bringing us closer to Eternity.The art of music in the Middle Ages, Baroque, Clbadicism, Romanticism, Impressionism and Modernism combined all its transformations with eternity, which causes us an incessant desire to develop and create ", explains the artistic director and director of the festival. The concerts are available online at One hour before the beginning of the concert, the tickets are sold at the concert hall and only at this concert

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