Atlantis who chose the unconventional wedding dress was accompanied by compliments: she meets my character


Elena Puidokaitė-Bruzgulienė, the event organizer, who chose her dress with pants for her party, is no exception. An inventive wedding dress was created by Liutauras Salasevičius, favorite designer of a well-known woman.

For ten years, working with this clothing designer, Atlanta has entrusted her with her wedding dress. "Otherwise, it could not be, I'm very grateful for the dress, it's really beautiful, and most of all, it reflects me," said the young man. "DELFI

" The dress was created according to my character. I hardly imagined with lace or other similar decorations, that brides usually like. I do not really say it's ugly, but this dress was my own reflection. "

According to E. Puidokaitė-Bruzgulienė, the day of her marriage, she felt beautiful, and most importantly – comfortably.

" It was very convenient. The party was accompanied by rain, so this dress was really comfortable.

As usual, the man from Atlanta saw the wedding dress only on the morning of the wedding

"He only saw the dresses in our meeting." He said that it was unexpected, but very happy.Throughout the day, I received many compliments and support for my decision, "said E. Puidokaitė -Bruzgulienė.

The image of the bride was completed by designer Jimmy Choo's high heels. Link altars Atlanta traveled with herself, holding a bouquet of pink roses in her hands

DELFI recalls that E. Puidokaitė-Bruzgulienė and T. Bruzgulis cut gold rings on July 14th. Basilica of the Arctic. The 19659010] strictly forbidden to use DELFI's published information on other sites, in traditional media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material in a form without consent, and if consent has been obtained, the Former interpreter spoke to be dear 18 years after fate. , it is necessary to indicate DELFI as source.

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