Average speed counters: It is revealed when it will actually start


Since June 25th, speedometers installed in different sections of the country had had to start recording the average speed of cars on these roads, but this was not the case for both companies. Another competition was launched to select a company that, based on the previous metrological verification methodology, performed tests on the sector's speedometers. It is clear that two companies offering metrological services on the Lithuanian market have won different competitions – the Vilnius Metrology Center has developed a methodology for meter verification, and the EKS research laboratory is responsible for verifying the gauges according to the methodology. developed by the competitor. The EKS research laboratory has indicated that it is not possible to evaluate and test the speedometer according to the developed methodology, and that if such an inspection is carried out, the drivers will be able to challenge the data recorded by the meters in the courts. Due to this situation, LAKD publishes a call for tenders for the preparation of a new methodology and metrological verification. If all goes well, an agreement on meter metrological control should be signed by the end of the summer, and the gauges will likely send a report to offenders for infractions committed at the end of this year or the next year. ;next year. Now, the speed gauges are in test mode – the offenders are locked, but they do not get any offending protocols.

Another competition will be announced soon for the purchase of 50 medium-speed gauges and 30-point gauges. It is expected that by 2020 there will be around 500 different speed control systems in the country. Up to now, all speed gauges are installed on roads with a maximum speed limit of 90 km / h. Road safety experts are badessing the road safety situation and will announce next September how many mid-range gauges will be installed on several roads.

We mentioned that the speed meters installed on the roads that are registered by offenders do not send protocols, but all recorded violation statistics remain on LACD computers.

Average speed gages recorded in June

Speed ​​Drivers [19659003] 100-110 km / h -> 37,384

110-120 km / h -> 10 631

130-140 km / h -> 2,422

130-140 km / h -> 681

140-150 km / h -> 215

150-160 km / h -> 97

160-170 km / h -> 50

170-180 km / h -> 21

180 km / h and over -> 112

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