Bank of Lithuania: such a loan will be exploited by increasing competition


According to the Bank of Lithuania (LB), the only obligation for banks to form an additional reserve could not be to pay such a gain. The market regulator thinks that banks are using strong demand for bastams and rising markets.

The central bank calculates that this year, the loans contracted increased by 0.25%. point. 2017 The average annual salary rate is 1.99% and that of 2.24%.


V. Vasiliauskas on the NT market: we have good, we have the power

According to Tom Garbaravičius, a member of the Bank's board of directors, the macroeconomic environment has not changed, debtors suddenly did not take more risks. They are therefore thinking about the type of growth they will achieve.

In the past we had one of the worst jobs in the eurozone and recently we are already in the middle of a higher area. The macroeconomic environment has not changed, so, reflecting on what is happening, Lukashenko said Thursday at the LB Real Estate (NT) conference in Kaunas. Garbars

According to him, one of my options could be the requirement of the central bank to build a countercyclical capital reserve. The requirement for him from 0.5% to 1% for banks was increased early in the summer.

According to the expert, another reason could be the decision of the banking group to unify the policy in all the Baltic states, because previously, loans would be granted to them.

Since all Baltic countries operate in the same banking group, they may all behave in the same way. It is a logic of sufficient hypothesis, premise shared by p. Garbars

However, its indices are 0.25%. The reason for this point is that only one of these reasons can not be determined. Then p. The attention of the players in the grocery store has changed in the competition around the banking sector in Lithuania.

In his view, the fact that competition is at the same time the most likely factor for the increase in borrowing in Lithuania has increased.

And among market supporters, banks use high demand and raise prices (V borrowers). Our market was also highly concentrated which, after the appearance of Luminor, was high and the number of lenders on the market decreased by one participant. We think the competition is premature, says the board member of LB.

According to LB, 3 banks account for 83% of the Lithuanian market.

Mr Garbaravičius said the loans, considering the property, would be one of the most profitable banks for banks. Very conservative estimate, its profitability reaches 17%.

It should be noted that an increase in the gain requires a real increase in the amount of the break, as EURIBOR is currently negative. Therefore, any change that is currently being sought is simply an increase in the amount of mischief, said one expert.

PHOTOGALLERY Metin Bank of Lithuania Conference on the NWT In Kaunas (45 days)

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