Baptism of Prince William and Duke Catherine Louis: Celebration – Queen | names


15min recalls that the third child of a royal couple was born on April 23 complete with his name – Louis Arthur Charles

The Little Prince Baptism takes place in St Jacob at the Royal Chapel of London. Prince George, the firstborn of the couple, was baptized in the same chapel, which will be five in this month. In March, Prince Harry's wife, Duke Meyerson of Susbad, was baptized here – she became a member of the Church of England before marriage.

The 40-minute baptismal ceremony of Canterbury Archbishop Justin Welby will be private. the royal couple closest to the people. Media representatives are allowed to photograph and film access to the chapel only, and they are not allowed inside.

The royal family should then circulate several official photos of Princess Louis Christening, photographer of the royal family who works several times on Matthie Holieaks. In pbading, he also made the official portraits of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip to commemorate their seventy-year marriage.

The Six Goddesses

The royal couple and baptizing their younger sons adhered to the idea that their parents would be parents of the next order. Members of the royal family in Europe, and close friends. In this way, William and Catherine strive that their children have close relationships with ordinary people outside the royal environment, and their lives should not be confined to the walls of the palace alone.

Prince of Louis will become friends of the royal couple Nicholas van Cutsem, Guy Pelly, Harry Aubrey-Fletcher, Laura Meade, and Hannah Carter, Willie and Catherine are aware of school or study times , and Catherine's cousin Lucy Middleton

Baptism – Without a Queen

II and Prince Phillip are not present, although George and Charlotte did not miss baptism.

It is reported that the absence of the Queen is not related to any health problem – this was known and agreed in advance with the Duke of Cambridge. The decision to pbad the baptism was taken because of the abundance of work – this week, the Queen has many important meetings not to be missed, so the preference was given to official homework and not to family celebrations

. There are other family members: Grandpa Prince Charles with his wife Duke Cornwall Camilla, his uncle Prince Harry with his wife, the Duke of Sacramento Meghan, the grandparents of the maternal side Carole and Michael Middleton, aunt Pippa Middleton with her husband James Matthews and uncle James Middleton. Among the guests there is also the second half of the Prince of Louis the Prophet

Sentimental Traditions

Prince Louis is baptized with the same traditional baptismal clothes as his brother George and his sister Charlotte and others royal babies wore. This baptismal garment is a replica of the dress of Queen Victoria's daughter in 1841.

The original baptismal garments of all the royal babies were kept until in 2008 and the queen was given the gift. order to produce his exact copy in order to perpetuate the family tradition

Louis Baptism also used a special silver container for the famous water – it was commissioned by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert after the birth of their daughter Elder. This vessel was first used in 1841 and since then has been an integral part of all royal baptisms.

Baptized by Prince Louis, Jordan's water in the Middle East is mentioned in the Bible – Jesus Christ is baptized in this river

. All guests will attend a private reception at Clarence Palace, the official residence of Prince Charles. The tea and the special cake will be served here, which William and Catherine have a lot of feelings because they are part of their wedding cake. In 2011, pastry chef Fiona Cairns created an eight-story special cake with 17 individual fruit cakes for their switches

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