Blessed new altar of the church –


  • Second
  • Fluent
  • 08.08.2014 18:26

St.V. St. The Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul can boast of an impressive new altar. Greek marble and gilded wood carvings, it was realized today by the solemn consecration of Bishop Lino Vodopjanov

The sanctification of such sacred places is not often a visible phenomenon. Only the constellation of altars connected to the building can be dedicated. If it is possible to transport it from one place to another, such sanctification by the doctrine is not allowed.

The altar of the latter is still very present in Lithuania since Vatican II in 1962 -1965. Priesthood turned to the faithful at Mbad was legitimized by the badembly. Until then, they held mbad at the altar. Turning around, the Mbad Table appeared and the altars became slippery.

The parish of the Apostles Peter and Paul now has a real altar and today, with incense, anointings and prayers attached to the church.

Exceptional rites and the newly nourished house of prayer did not remain indifferent. The Panevėžys did not spare good words to the church hosts for a great job. Until the arrival of the new altar, white marble tiles were lined with interior floors, repainted walls. Later, the altar of gold was built.

"Everything changed, I was there a long time, but the church looked different.Now, it is so bright, beautiful, new – a great feeling here," said Genovaitė.

The woman came to see the conspiracy of the altar, he heard. She claimed that she had not seen such rituals, so it was interesting how things were going.

Need to be rebuilt

Inside the white, the so-called Red Church became fascinated by Martyne with a friend. The girl claimed that she did not often visit the house of God, but on this occasion, she wanted to see the rebirth of the shrine. She was admitted to this place when she had loved him since childhood, but later on his friendship with the church interrupted his studies, his personal life.

"The most important thing is that the church is not beautiful and empty.This should not be only the center of attraction for the elderly, but also young people on the weekends. should we renovate not only the soil, walls, but also the way to restore the faithful, "- a young woman shared his opinion.

However, people did not fail to look at the new altar. For the last time here, such a relic was built three decades ago

From Greece itself

It took two months to make a bronze altar these days. And the church sent materials even from Greece. Because there is no one in Lithuania selling real white marble without any impurity. Thus, from the Balkans, we had to transport a piece of this magnificent material weighing between 5 and 6 tons and weighing gravel.
The architect Alvydas Šeibokas, former Panevėžys who currently lives in Vilnius, was the altar of the church

. The front part is adorned with a hand-carved and gold-plated wooden bas-relief. We will see paradise birds, we will see the edges of grain bells. At the new altar, a new lock (a place where the priest speaks) will be built together. The details of the stone altar church were commissioned in Poland, where actuators have more experience in the construction. In Lithuania, not only the altars but also the buildings themselves are extremely rarely rebuilt.

The production of the altar and church materials cost about 35 thousand. euro Before the consecration of the altar, the Panevėžys Musical Theater Symphony Orchestra, the Adoremus Choir, the soloist of the Panevezys Laima Česlauskaitė Theater and the soloist of the National Theater of Opera and Ballet Tomas Pavilionis have created the festive mood of believers. After the saint The mbades were waiting for a party in the cemetery, there were dances, musicians were playing.

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