Body Wonders: Do you know who needs a pink cape in the cornea of ​​the eye?


Thai – stuffed semilunaris . In short, it is the rest of the evolution of our third eyelid. Some encyclopedias (eg domestic cats) still exist in the third envelope, but the third envelope has become useless and the evolution has disappeared. Certainly, last year, doctors recorded a second case in which a person had a third full-eyed envelope, but it did not work and had to be removed surgically.

The third envelope is needed for some animals. Usually, it is transparent, so it does not completely limit visibility. This means that when the third eyelid blinks, animals can moisten and protect the eyes without limiting their ability to observe the environment. This is how some animals protect the eye from water, while others use it to hunt. For people like most mammals, the third eyelid is no longer needed, but there are still some leftovers.

The human semilunar is no longer the third eyelid, but still fulfills a few functions. First of all, this fabric covers and protects the angle of the eye. The shape of the open eyes looks like an oval with sharp angles. It is probably impossible to avoid these angles because we have two eyelids. But the eyeball is round, so our eyes have angles. The outer corner is straight above the apple of the apple, so it is not open. But inside is open so that there is no limit to visibility to the front. If there was no semi-tuner, there should be another connective tissue that could potentially restrict our eye movements.

However, the main function of the semi-produced penis is to form a tear reservoir in the very corner of the eye. The size of this tank is only 7-10 microns. The tears in this tank cover the eyeball when it is turned to the sides. Subsequently, the tears used later are simply removed.

By the way, semiclonium plica is not the only vestige of evolutionary work in our body. The appendix was also a much more useful organ, and our backbone, if you look at it, is what's left of our tail. If you feel the outer fold of the lobe of your ear, find the roughness near the top – it's there since the days when our ancestors had pointed ears.

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