Bookshelf "Expectations" collective, doctors Adolf Hitler and panic attacks

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The Great Expectations of Charles Dickens – Pegaso Collection

Charles Dickens "Great Expectations." Vilnius: "Alma littera", 2018 Value Virgilijus Cheplijus

The novel "Great Expectations" (1861) is considered the best and most famous piece of Charles Dickens, which tells the story of the birth of the orphan Pipo (Filippo Piripo). Born into a rigorous sister and her good-natured husband, a disappointing childhood boy makes her swim in the Kent area. There, one day, he is in agreement with Magvich who runs from the tramp and threatens to help him hide. The boy does not suspect that this encounter will be fatal for all his life …

Who is really a good will Pipo not famous? Will Pip Pipes become a gentleman and get up in high school? What lessons will a youngster have until he becomes an adult person?

This detective element for the history of Ch. Dickens had found two different purposes, but, with the opinion of a friend, he had published a novel with a good ending.

The author addresses many topics in the novel: morality, forgiveness of sins, the relationship between good and evil, the power of money, responsibility and perception that any decision has consequences. Through the growth of Pipo as a person, the author develops a psychological question of guilt, shame, gratitude, ambition, manipulation and true love. The novel reveals the ethical issues of clbad structures, rules of social behavior, child abuse, corruption, education, law enforcement and Victorian work.

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) – the most famous writer of the English novel, writer with incredibly rich imagination, colorful personality, realist, humorist, satirist, sentimentalist, sociologist, great reformer, humanist , all in one very distinct person. School Bench Ch.

A New Historical Novel on the Doctors of Adolf Hitler

Vaida Marija Knabikaitė Cup Snake and Swastika . Vilnius: Publishing House of the Union of Lithuanian Writers, 2018

The author of four historical novels Vaida Marija Knabikaitė returns to the inexhaustible theme of the Nazi dictator in the new novel "The Cup, the snake and the swastika ", choosing the personalities of the doctors of Adolf Hitler as the main actors of the book: Theodor Morell, Ludwig Stumpfegger, and Karl Brandt

Where the ethic of the doctor begins and ends it in a bloody war, which has lost millions of lives and suffered painfully and tragically in the fate of many states, including Lithuania?

The author writes in the novel: Both the documentary sources and the documentary film constantly raise the question: "Why did one of these characters, who trusted so much with the Nazi dictator, have no reason?" Did he not do the same thing as the hundreds of unsuccessful collaborators who fought Hitler? The hypnotism power of the dictator? Believing in Nazi Ideas and Vbadal Fidelity to Siuzeren

This historical novel is of interest to readers of Klaipėda, Kaunas, East Prussia, Baltic Sea, Griunvaldas and Mosuriai. 19659015] In writing the novel "The Cup, the Serpent and the Swastika", VM Knabikaitė is based on true historical facts. Historical documentary material has helped: the works of Hitler's biographers Werner Maser, Joachim Fest, the writings of Ph.D. Theodore Morel, the stories of the disease (some of their pbadages are cited in the book); Anna Maria Sigmund's Nazi women, Hans-Joachim Neumann, Henrik Eberle, "Was Hitler sick?", Nigel Cawtorne "The Intimate Life of Great Dictators" and Jesus Hernandez "Valkirija" are also important. The novel quotes four official documents from this documentary series: the speeches of Hitler, Gering, Denick and Himmler after an unsuccessful attempt in July 1944.

The chapters of the Roman chapter called Dr. Hitler Teodor Morel , Ludwig Stumpfeger and Karl Brant. In the chapter on Teodor Morel, images of the consciousness of the pre-adulterary doctor change with the episodes of his life to illness. It should not be forgotten that the two other doctors mentioned in the Nazi dictator's book, unlike Teodor Morel, were working in Hitler's death camps, carrying out horrific experiments with people

Vaida Marija Knabikaitė published four novels: German Hitler Dictator), Izidė and Fortūnas (the theme of the ancient Roman Empire of the 1st century), Portraits of Swan Wings (Portraits of Women of King Mindaugas), Homo Festivus (Teen experiences at the end of the 20th century). Incidentally, including the holiday thriller

Megan Miranda "Perfect Stranger". Kaunas: Other books, 2018 In English The value of Gabija Lebednykaitė.

The author of the incredible thriller "All the Missing Persons" once again hinted that the book had been seized. This time, the reporter from "Perfect Stranger" is trying to find a missing friend who may have never been …

Lee Stevens, a journalist who has failed in career, is d & # 's With his old friend Emo Gray. This invites Leah to go together to Pennsylvania where she could work as a teacher – both are starting a new life. But the new start is bleak when a woman, like two water droplets resembling Leah, attacks the lake and that mom is about to disappear.

To find a friend, Leah asks Kyle Donovan, the apparent young police officer. When they try to reveal the details of the lifestyle of Emo's life, Leah begins to doubt whether she has ever experienced an Emo. No friends, no family members, no fingerprints – the police ask if there is such a person in general – Ema Gray. Covered by uncertainty, Leah decides to revisit her own past. His story was destroyed by an article, and the story is completely blurred.

To escape, Leah must deliberately uncover the truth about Emma Gray and, in doing so, confronts her own demons. She needs to understand what she can really trust and learn more about one thing about herself.

"Panic attacks" – About themes uncomfortable, but with good news

Gintarė Jankauskienė "Panic Attacks: Get Rid of Anxiety and fears ". Vilnius: "Tyto alba", 2018 Artist – Asta Puikienė

Gintarė Jankauskienė – journalist, specialist in communication, books "When hope is reborn. Success Stories and Tips to Conquer Infertility and get children "(2016).

" Panic Attacks. Get Out of Anxiety and Fears "- Her Second Book.

How to recognize a panic attack? What's going on in your body after it crashed? Is this anxiety disorder inherited? How to distinguish cardiac infarction suspected of very high anxiety? What is the best rest for the exhausted psyche and body? What methods help you learn not to rush and enjoy the moments of the present? How to raise a child of small days to make his psyche strong? Why is it important to take care of the psychological well-being of the family every day? Ten mental health professionals and lifestyle experts answer these questions and many more.

Although the book deals with troublesome topics, it brings a good message: well-being depends largely on the person himself. Let's face it, we act and feel stronger, we can survive panic attacks and help with those we love.

The first panic attack occurred about 5 years ago while driving a car. I suddenly started to run into my eyes, sweating, I started shaking. There was a great fear of death. I had to stop on the sidewalk because I could not drive anymore. The panic attacks have recurred more than 10 times. When I learned last, I clearly understood came time to change the way of life. I have been helped by a neat daily diet, healthy food, prayer, practice of meditation and knowing that all fears are only an illusion. We create them ourselves in our heads.

Ieva Zasimauskaitė, singer, Lithuanian representative at the "Eurovision 2018" contest

I fought against panic attacks for a few years. The first was horrible, I thought I should understand and stay somewhere deep in my body without having to connect with the outside world. Having been afraid to turn to a doctor, he suggested a long psychotherapeutic treatment or a faster version of medicine. There was no time in my life diary, so I took the pills. Then I did not know that it was precisely the agenda that had to be changed first. Now, I'm doing this: I've replaced the pill with a calmer and more meaningful life. Finally, I want to find my way.

Algis Kriščiūnas, artist, drummer in the groups "Foje" and "Kiti kambariai"

A sudden panic attack scary a person with strong anxiety may seem like I will get angry. However, during a panic attack, no one dies and does not lose sight of. On the contrary, people who experience panic attacks often have the ability to live, they are strong, responsible, accustomed to lifting huge loads. They do not suffer from shit or disobedience.

Aušra Šapranauskienė, psychologist-psychotherapist

Third part of the Deverlis family button

Santa Montefiore "The Last Secret of the Devil". Vilnius: "Alma littera", 2018 Value Renata Valotkienė.

1939 in Ireland. Deverly's family is undergoing a lot of change, but all eyes are back in Europe, where the tumultuous clouds of war are floating.

Martha Wall, seventy years old, leaves her fiancées and leaves America, arrives in Dublin to look for her real mother. She meets Jean-Paul Deverly, a young man.

Deverly Castle is now home to Bridle Doil, the wealthy Countess of Di Markantonio. She bought it from Deverly, who became her tenants, and dreams of turning it into a home that she used to use when her mother was working as a chef in the castle. Unfortunately, his cheeky man Chezar has other plans.

Kitty Deverly, IMP installed, lives calmly with her husband Roberts, no longer believing that anyone can change. But Jack O 'Leary returns to America all over the world, to whom his love has not broken. Unfortunately, his heart has already been given to another.

This is the third part of the Deverly family button. It does not contain intriguing twists, undisclosed secrets and dramatic events full of life of three childhood friends – Kite, Selonia and Brides –

Santa Montefiore is an unmatched master of epic romance. All that she writes written from the heart. "(Jojo Moyes)

Love and death, friendship and rejection

Nancy Huston Dolce Agony Vilnius:" Tyto alba ", 2018 The value of the French language is Akvilė Melkūnaitė. The artist is Indra Kasulaityte

I can only say that the small circumstances and the unexpected overlaps made the poem tonight … Suddenly – the beauty .. Suddenly – a drama.

Nancy Huston is the only one. one of Canada's best known writers, laureate of numerous literary awards and the author of fifteen novels and fourteen non-fiction books Dolce Agony is Nancy Huston's eleventh novel.

This book is an intense emotion and full of inner tensions like Ingmar Bergman's film.This is the story of twelve old friends, told in a day, part of the family life of this life, showing everything: l & # 39; 39, love and death, friendship and rejection.The long suffering of the past, the eff undulation of existential fear, fear of old men, anxiety of the Middle Ages, the feelings of the beloved …

Everything is very complicated, the affection can turn into evil hatred concealed, sadness and anxiety. Even worse, this performance is only directed by God; He looks sarcastic and upright in front of people that he has gathered around a table, like a ruthless director, knowing the future of each actor and the circumstances of his death. It allows the reader to look at it – so that we unexpectedly acquire the bugle hair gift. Sad and strange.

Twelve old friends meet at the home of Irish writer Farel Farel in New England to celebrate Thanksgiving, but they rest longer than expected. And the dinner begins to turn into confessions about the ruined lives, the time pbaded, the unfulfilled hopes of the cooks. Everyone has something to hide, everyone brings their problems, their anguish and their fear. Everyone knows too much about each other; the tension grows …

It's a tragicomic psychological drama about the crisis of middle age, about the fear of death, helplessness and faith in destiny.

J. Harper's novel "Drought" shook the world of detectives in

Jane Harper "Drought". Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2018 Value Gabriel Gailiute-Bernotienė

In 2016, the world of detective literature was invaded by a new name: Australian journalist Jane Harper published a first crime thriller "Dry" during many years.

This book is one followed by one of the leading literary awards of 2017: awarded by the prestigious Auksinis Durklis Awards, The British Book Awards and Davitt Awards for Best in 2017. Detective, was selected for the award of the year by the Ned Kelly Awards and the Australian Book Industry Awards, and readers of the Goodreads website have named it for the Crime Research Award. The book became a Times Plus bestseller, with Reese Witherspoon buying the film to create it.

A man who, after killing a woman and a child, removes the last shot in a crooked city of Kievara, Australia. Melbourne Federal Constable Aron Falco arrives at the funeral of his best friend Luke and his family, but stares at his hometown. Twenty years ago, they fled the city of Falke, and only Luke's testimony protected Aron from prison.

Despite the hostility of the people and the desire to overthrow the hearts of Luke's relatives, Falkas investigates the tragic events. family tragedy. Aron tortures the question: is it an act of despair and despair, or maybe the reasons are deeper? The more questions he asks, the deeper the mysteries of a buried city are.

The story of Jane Harper in Daily Mail states, "It's an emotionally powerful tale and breathtaking detail." The story of Jane Harper in the Daily Mail: "The emotional power of the story and the breathtaking details. If you intend to read a detective this year, read this! "

Jewish Dragons of Winter Velodrome

Tatiana De Rosnay" The Key of Sara "Vilnius:" Alma littera ", 2018 Value Dalia Zaikauskienė

Do You Remember Michelle Me, my sister, Sarah The one who did not come back The one who left you in the closet One who thought nothing would happen Michelle L & # 39; year has pbaded, and I still have the key .. Our hiding place is the key …

Paris, July 1942. The bustle in the city: captured by the Jews, the men hiding in cellars, so that they can not be taken to labor camps One night, the French police intrude into the house of the courageous and curious daughter Sarah and orders them to leave. closes his brother in the closet, hoping that he will save him.Julian families brought to the winter velodrome are later separated forever – some traveling to Aus chwitz, others – to camp in Orleans. Sarah is haunted by the mere idea of ​​escaping and returning home with her brother as soon as possible.

Paris, May 2002. An American journalist, Julia Jarmond, residing in France, receives a mission to write an article about the Winter Vododrome Jewish Catch. When he listens to this scene, he discovers that the family of man is closely badociated with Sarah's family and her destiny. Julia can not stop half of this inhuman story, shaken by brutal secrets.

A pbadionate summer novel

Ann Kidd Taylor "The Muse Hotel". Vilnius: "Baltos lankos", 2018 Value Eglė Podčašinskienė

The daughter of Ann Kidd Taylor of the famous American writer Sue Monk Kidd, the first novel "The Muse Hotel", which has gained international popularity, is also published in Lithuania. In the title of a boring summer novel, the drama of a woman's life is spreading: memories of first love come to life with new feelings, concern for tremors mingles with fears from the danger of death, the desire for constant freedom struggles against proximity

Marine Biologist Meivet, a friend called the Shark Officer, travels around the world and explores his great pbadion for life – sharks. It looks like she's not in need of love, no family. But returning to the Grand Hotel Muse on the Florida coast, she accepts the girl Heisele, the daughter of a loving Daniel, a teenage girl from Meives. The romances and hot nights at Trois Meybi become more and more sentimental, and the question becomes more and more powerful: should we take advantage of the second chance given by a fortune? Or maybe a new relationship with colleague Nicholas?

His nonsense has a worthy opponent

Samuel Bjørk, "I travel alone." Vilnius: Alma littera, 2018 Value Viktorija Gercmanienė

The brave and terrifying crime thriller of the new generation has been acclaimed by the international community.

Samuel Bjørk has already registered his name in the world of detectives, compared to Stiegu Larsson and Jo Nesbø.

In the Norwegian forests, two boys find a six-year-old girl with no sign of life. She is dressed in an unusual way, she is a doll, she is tied to the ribbon "I travel alone". A special Oslo crimes bureau is investigating this mysterious murder. Detective Munch travels to an abandoned island, which hides a sixth endless sensation, but former detective Mia Kriuger tortured ghosts and lows. She says she will see more victims on her crime scene.

Can the murders be linked to kidnapping six years ago? Or is it related to the mysterious Christian sect found in deep forests? At first glance, unforeseen events on each others' lawns reveal more and more incredible details.

After reading the first pages of the book "I am traveling", I immediately realize that something special is in my hands. A pbadionate beginning. "(Thriller Guide by Vrij Nederland)

" Literary Sensation. His Nesbø has a worthy opponent. "(Bergens Tidende)

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