bought more vaccines than last year


The State Patient Fund of the Department of Health (VLK) purchased close to 10,000 additional doses of influenza vaccine for the influenza season in 2018-2019 compared to last year, for a total of 131,738 doses d & # 39; Influvac.

A seasonal flu vaccine will be introduced in Lithuania in the early days of August and will then be transported to health facilities. According to Lina Reinartienė, head of the health care department, VLK seasonal flu vaccines are manufactured in accordance with the antigenic composition recommended annually by the World Health Organization (WHO) and their effectiveness and safety are confirmed during registration procedures. "The vaccine is the safest and most reliable protection against life-threatening influenza." According to R. Reinartienė,

Seasonal influenza incidence rates in Lithuania are generally monitored in January-February Specialists recommend vaccination of the following risk groups:
] – 65 years of age and over
– pregnant women
– persons living in social care homes and retirement homes
– persons suffering from chronic diseases of cardiovascular diseases , respiratory, renal, chronic The VLK recalls that the vaccine offers the possibility of preventing the occurrence of severe forms of influenza, its complications, hospitalization and death, which is particularly important for people at risk and those who want to protect themselves against malignant tumors should come into contact with
Lithuania is the only Baltic country with Compensate for Influenza Vaccine for the Population

VLK inf.

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