Breastfeeding facts: Breastfed babies have a lower intelligence report | Life


Breast milk is the most nutritious and beneficial product for infants and young children. This is not only a natural and optimal way to feed children, but it also promotes communication between the mother and the child, regardless of the environment. Breastfeeding is a health promoting diet, non-polluting, resource-free, nature-friendly and natural and nutrient source.

The choice to badfeed is over 823,000 a year. children and more than 20 thousand. mothers avoid death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), up to the age of 6 months, only 40% are exclusively badfed. for all babies. Nursing mothers often encounter many obstacles. They receive insufficient information from providers, lack access to qualified advice on badfeeding, lack support from owners, aggressive marketing of bad-milk substitutes, and obliged to return to work immediately after delivery. Women who encounter these barriers usually do not have the opportunity to badfeed exclusively for 6 months and continue to badfeed for up to 2 years.

The abandonment of badfeeding is 302 billion a year. Economic loss in US dollars

In order to achieve the goal of the World Health Organization to badfeed exclusively 50%. and more babies are expected until 2025 take coordinated action. Together we can do a lot to support badfeeding as the most natural way for children to eat, provide complete food and reduce poverty.

The main goal of the 2018 World Lactation Week is as follows:

] Optimal badfeeding has a positive effect on health throughout life. The mother helps to control pregnancy, reduces the risk of bad and ovarian cancer, decreases the risk of hypertension
  • Helps the child to fight infections, reduces the risk of high blood pressure. incidence and severity of diarrhea, decreases respiratory rate
  • Ensuring food safety, even in times of crisis:

    Optimal badfeeding is vital for health and well-being for life. WHO / UNICEF recommends:

    • Breastfeeding should be started no later than 1 hour after birth
    • Exclusive duration of badfeeding: 6 months
    • Continue badfeeding up to 2 years and over, 6 months to a proper diet Fotolia Breast milk becomes a luxury product "rel =" content-image "src =" mamos-pienas-tampa-prabangos-preke-51da9f8a16c4b.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

      Fotolia Breast milk becomes a luxury product

    Stop the circle of poverty:

    The short-term and long-term non-life costs affect the general public in these areas

  • Infants with low birth rates have lower IQs, which reduces their access to appropriate education, which results in lower incomes in the future. packaging, storage, distribution and preparation of baby mixes contribute to the deterioration of the environment.
  • World News Alliance for Initiative Initiatives ( Global Alliance for Health Action for Breastfeeding – WABA Facts:

    • Worldwide 155 million children under 5 years old has a growth disorder, 52 million children suffering from exhaustion and 41 million children have an excess of Studies show that lactation reduces the risk of obesity by 10% compared to artificial nutrition
    • over 1.9 billion. adults (18 years and over) are overweight, including 650 million. are obese.
    • In low- and middle-income countries, the risk of infant mortality is 21% in the first year of life. less than those who have never badfed.
    • 815 million. people in the world lack safe food, suffer from malnutrition, and the vast majority of them – 489 million.
    • The quality and quantity of bad milk are independent of the nutritional status of women, with the exception of rare cases of exhaustion (only 1% of cases).
    • It is believed that by 2019, artificial food sales for babies will reach nearly 70.6 billion. USD
    • More than 4000 thousand units are needed for 1 kg of artificial foods. liter of water.
    • About 60 million people worldwide. refugees and migrants, many of whom are children and women threatened with malnutrition in various forms. Breastfeeding could help solve this problem.
    • Breastfeeding is one of the best investments in global health, with a reduction in IQ infants badfed (2.6 points). A dollar invested in badfeeding generates an economic response of $ 35.
    • Letting go of badfeeding costs $ 302 billion a year. Economic losses in US dollars – 0.49%.

    Lithuania is implementing the initiative of the World Health Organization and the Newborn Hospital of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), of which the execution is coordinated by the Ministry of Health.

    The information was written by the public health specialist of the Department of Nutrition and Physical Activity Center for Health and Disease Education, the secretary of the Committee of promotion of bad cancer, Ramunė Miliauskė [19659037] (function () {
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