Buyers want Lithuanian vegetables, farmers wait for harvest with anxiety


In summer, Lithuanians tend to choose a lighter and healthier diet, so vegetables seem much more likely to be found in their baskets.

According to traders, consumers particularly like fresh vegetables grown in Lithuania that are already marking their first day of trading. Farmers of the time warn that the country is suffering from drought in early summer, some vegetables could be lower this year than last year.


According to Berta Čaikauskaitė, communications manager of the IKI distribution chain harvesting fresh vegetables and barely noticed the first vegetables, commercial shocks almost twice. However, according to her, what vegetables are given, it depends on the price, the range of fruits and vegetables, and the wishes of the people.

The investigation revealed that Lithuanians are the most difficult without tomatoes during the summer. percent

According to the order of the commercial network, a survey conducted early in the summer revealed that the summer is hardly imagined by Lithuanians without tomatoes – 24% d & # 39; between them identified as the main vegetable of the hot season. respondents. Secondly, Lithuanians call cucumbers (22 percent), fresh potatoes (18 percent) and salads and radishes (13 percent) fourth place

"Locals buy more and more vegetables and try to choose Lithuania. farmers' production. Especially popular among our customers are the Lithuanian tomatoes, fresh potatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots. According to farmers, the droughts that raged throughout Lithuania in June were severely devastated by vegetable growers, as the gardens were extremely short of rain at the time. As the report says in the media, while some called the bangs, others tried to save the gardens by watering. Virgilijus Kuprevičius, a farmer from Kedainiai district, predicts that the drought will strongly react to the carrot harvest in Lithuania this year

"We will have carrots for less than a month in the first year of this year. their harvest will almost certainly hit the first month of summer, the drought, so carrot yields per hectare of land could be 20 tonnes lower than last year, "warns a farmer

Linas Šateika, carrot and onion farmer from Šiauliai District, hoped that a special watering system would protect crops.] "Of course, artificial watering does not. does not replace the real rain that was missing during the first part of the summer, but the irrigation system really helped. Recently, we were invited to the farm by foreign consultants, who believe that the vegetables are really good, given the type of drought we have encountered. It is not too early to enjoy it, because agriculture can never be protected from surprises, the real situation will be clear in a few weeks, when the first harvest will be removed, "says Šateika.

According to B. Čaikauskaitė, it is natural that vegetables The supply is influenced by natural conditions, but buyers of the consequences of the drought should not feel this year. [Fonction] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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