Ciril Abiteboulas, head of Renault F1, proposes to reduce the number of steps. According to the French, the fewer stages there are, the higher the value of the F-1 championship.
This year's F-1 calendar includes 21 stages – mainly in the history of sport. Next year, the number of steps should remain unchanged. It is unlikely that the championship will return to Germany, but its place in the calendar may be in Miami.
In the past, representatives of Liberty Media have emphasized the desire to hold 25 races a year in the future. Meanwhile, Abiteboulas believes that the number of steps should not be increased but reduced.
"We have to keep in touch with the fans, but the race has to stay something special.Now we have exceeded this number of special events," said Abiteboulas.
"Now that we have as many races in the year, the excitement is not like when we had fifteen races a year.This becomes a routine.This should not be a daily job.On commercial, yes we need to increase the number of steps, but I would suggest shortening the season. "
C. Abiteboules think that it would be ideal for 15 to 18 steps a year.
"If we decided to negotiate aggressively and shorten the season to 15 stages, we should tell all the organizers:" Six of you will be beaten. "
" We should change the market model. It would be very interesting to see the reactions. I understand that it would be a risk. F-1 would be different because it now earns more money each year, attracts more people, race organizers, cash prizes, and more. But the day will come when the scale F-1 can be adjusted. "
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