C.Capela abandoned the Rockets proposal


The Rockets' proposals have already been rejected by Kate Houston Clinton Capela is set to aim to sign a contract of at least $ 100 million.

Rockets is not currently inclined to pay such a player. A similar and solid offer rejected by the basketball player.

It was announced that at the launch of the C.Capelai free agents market, five years worth of contracts worth $ 85 million were put on the table. Subsequently, the contract increased by an additional five million – up to 90 million. within five years.

Yet a 24-year-old woman with a 208 cm long Swiss did not comply with such a proposal. He wants to get 100 million in four years. The contract was made by Oklahoma's Thunder High Steven Adams .

In the final season, C.Capela was leading with a percentage of hits (65.2%), finished second in blocked throws per game (1.9) and eighth on rebounds (10.8) [19659003] The Rockets are confident that they will sooner or later reach an agreement with C.Capela

The supply of rockets to Clint Capela on July 1 was five years, $ 85 million, two people with the knowledge of the supply says. With incentives, the deal could be worth $ 90 million. The rockets remain optimistic and an agreement will be reached. "Absolutely," says one of the individuals

– Jonathan Feigen (@ Jonathan_Feigen) July 11, 2018

[email protected]

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