CAA Guide: Small Planet Airlines does not show that it has an investor


According to the head of the Civil Aviation Administration (CAA), Small Planet Airlines, a reformist financial company that travels to Lithuania, does not show that an anonymous investor is a savior to save.

What is an investor is a secret, but I can say that, as they stated, we do not see that the investor is real and based on the intention of the investor. ;invest. There may be some desires, but we have no investor for the day, says Joris Gintila of BNS.

It will be able to indicate what type of investor are potential investors just like it is legal entities.

The CAA Licensing Commission is studying Tuesday, but the decision is not supposed to be taken Tuesday, the Ginthy division will not separate, which will be the solution because it is not a member of the commission.

The Licensing Commission is about to deliberate as it has been slow to finalize the submitted documents and provide inputs …, – said the head of the CAA.

The company presented on Monday to the CAA a restructuring plan and financial data and forecasts.

Small Planet Airlines announced on Monday that its financial situation would be supplemented by a new anonymous investor, when signing an additional investment protocol in its capital.

The Vilnius District Court will announce Wednesday whether SmallPlanetAirlines will be subject to a restructuring proceeding.

SmallPlanetGroup moni in Poland, Germany and Lithuania launched a restructuring in September and October. In addition, I am also in Cambodia.

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