Celebrating her African-based hospital, Madonna shared her six-year-old picture of her offspring


On her trip to Madonna, she was not alone. She was accompanied by her six children: the Lourdes girls (21), Mercy James (12) and the Stella and Esther twins (5), the sons Rocco (18) and David (12).

Popkaralienė shared a very rare photograph on the social network, which includes a whole host of musicians.

"The tree of life. Mercy James Pediatric Hospital! A year later," she wrote on Instagram.

Madonna adopted four children from Malawi. David and Mercy James, twelve, and their twins Esther and Stell. Performer Lourdes Leon and the son of Rocco Ritchie are the children of the biological singer.

The grand daughter of Lourdes played with Carlos Leon and the son of Rocco's son, former spouse of Madonna, Guy Ritchie.

During a visit to the hospital, Madonna also visited the staff of the institution, doctors and patients.

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