CityBee plans to expand its network of employees and new services


CityBee, provider of car-sharing services, describes its development: doubling its IT division, planning new services in Lithuania and expanding its operations.

Modus Group, a company owned by CityBee, plans to expand its programmer, which has even doubled. The announcement distributed today is dedicated to the twentieth programmer, who joins our team of programmers in Vilnius and Kaunas. It is announced that a new specialist is needed to ensure the successful implementation of new services in Lithuania and the proper implementation of development.

New plans

One of the new CityBee services planned in Lithuania will be the concept of "pooling". Those who travel in the same direction must be able to travel together in a car and share roadside disturbances.

Until then, there is no solution for this car dealership. We believe that the implementation of the solutions will make the service even more convenient for consumers, while the CityBee car park will be even more efficient. It is estimated that using such a service, the cost to the end user would be halved even compared to a taxi ride, the report quotes Lukas Yla, head of SIAPrime Leasing, which provides CityBee service .

Another innovation that your ibiza and your gdius have been custom designed by the team of IT specialists from Citystee CityBee, the system of fraudulent sharing to electricity. It is alleged that CityBee's decision is to harmoniously complement the company-supplied car and dual division services both in Lithuania and in a part of the foreign cities.

According to p. Ylo, sharing electric scooters over the past year has enjoyed tremendous popularity in the United States and in parts of Western European cities. This growing interest in the service offers new opportunities for CityBee.

It is estimated that badog service in Vilnius will be scheduled for next spring by the Estonian capitalist Taxify.

New generation of services

Although CityBee was launched as a carpooling service, we find that we have a platform that brings together the city and its favorite mobility in the city. It can be developed and even better adapted to our needs. For example, 60% of the trips made by CityBee users are less than 5 km away. It is necessary that during these years, these distances can be exploited with electric scooters. First, in Vilnius and other cities in the country, the infrastructure needed for such a move is growing rapidly, says p. yla

Part of the roundabout aibik el. The result of the popularity of sharing services is called carpooling 2.0. His potentials are well illustrated by the fact that this is one of the first emails. US Bird has reached $ 2 billion in service sharing. USD having reached the beginning.

We know that the services of the Mint service will be open and that next year will be extended to foreign markets. E-mail in Lithuania The sharing service should be operational next summer.

The carpool service in Lithuania should be provided in 2019. in the second half. At that time, such a general travel program is achieved through the use of information provided by people on social networks.

The notification states that the planned CityBee extension will not be the first. In early August, car-sharing services made in Lithuania became available in Poland. CityBee already operates in the biggest cities of the district. Admittedly, there are currently only buses for trucks. But it is adam that CityBee cars are also available in the future in Poland.

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