"Clippers" signed a contract with a constantly improving midfielder / News


Photo: AP – Scanpix

Photo. AP – Scanpix

Restricted Free Agent Montreal Harrell has accepted the offer of Los Angeles & # 39; Clippers & # 39; for a 12 million euro contract over two years.

A good athlete's defense and a fight for rebounds are fully guaranteed.

The basketball player has greatly increased his value. Last season, he won 1.7 million.

A 203 cm long, 243 year old forward arrived in Los Angeles last summer during an exchange between the Clippers and the Houston Rockets. The latter invited NBA Newcomer to the 32nd Summoner in 2015.

The basketball player has gained an average of 11 points in the last 17 minutes and has played 4 balls.

The basketball player is constantly improving his performance. He scored an average of 3.5 points in his first season and dropped 8.4 points in the second year. Last season she increased her performance by 2.6 points

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