Closure of an illegal meat processing plant in Lazdijai District Business


In the premises of the rented house during the inspection, the officials found more than 345 kg of raw materials produced in antisocial conditions (smoked, cooked, dried) and cut pork.

  Photo by SJAU / Meat Processing Plant in Lazdijai District

/ Meat Processing Plant in Lazdijai District

  Photo of SJAU / Meat Processing Plant in Lazdijai District [19659005] Photo of SJAU / Meat Processing Factory in Lazdijai District </p>
<p>  The smell of dead meat, flying flies, and dirt were felt in the premises and in the refrigeration unit . The raw material was purchased without supporting documents to track the origin of raw materials and products. Meat products are not labeled, no expiration date. </p>
<p>  All the products and raw materials found during the inspection were retained and the collected material was handed over to the officers in charge of the preliminary investigation. </p>
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