Conservatives: More Lithuanian language in national schools will reduce the Kremlin's influence


Conservatives are proposing amendments to the law to improve the access of national minorities to the labor market, reduce emigration and prevent the hybrid wars of the Kremlin in order to protect the labor market. to ensure wider and better education in national schools. It is expected to establish at least 60% of the basic and secondary education program. The themes of the program would be in Lithuanian and the remaining 40%. The themes of the program are national or minority languages. Conservative Agnė Bilotaitė said the initiative was to be implemented by 2023.

"It is clear that the existing regulations are not sufficient." Therefore, the proposed provision of the law aims to regulate and clearly define the limits of education.It is also important that this amendment obliges the state itself to create real conditions for the representatives of their national communities to learn the truth. Lithuanian and develop with them the future of our state ", – said A. Bilotaita

. Laurynas Kasciunas, who presented the reasons for the proposed amendments, is taught to at least 20% of Lithuanian speakers in national minority schools.

Policy makers emphasized that the teaching of the official language influences the integration of national communities into labor markets and social life and reduces the feeling and marginalization of the vulnerability of ethnic communities [19659005]. strengthening the consensus between citizens and third parties would make it much more difficult to break our society.

L. Kasčiūnas argued that the representatives of national minorities do not have sufficient command of the Lithuanian language

"Last year, the Lithuanian language exam exceeded 90%, graduates from Lithuanian schools and only 80, 5%, pupils of national minority languages ​​", – L. Kasčiūnas explained at a press conference and presented in 2006. survey data showing that even 62%

In conclusion, the conservator Audronis Ažubalis stressed that the amendments to the law on education should not be applied to the educational system, necessary to reduce the effects of hybrid attacks of the Kremlin. The conservatives have argued that national minorities in the Baltic countries are becoming very attractive targets for the hybrid Kremlin wars

"Indeed, in the eyes of our national communities, we see how, from funding to provocations, these communities are divided and condemned to the government A. Ažubalis added that a good knowledge of the national language, culture and history can help neutralize the negative influences of Moscow. "We believe that knowing culture, the history and traditions of the national culture is very important for all. community representatives who sincerely want to become full-fledged citizens of the state ", – said the politicians.He stressed that the amendments to the law on education were adopted taking into account the Example of Estonia and therefore aim to teach about 60% of the subjects in Lithuanian-language schools (about 6 subjects). "A.Ažubalis summarized, and suggested that the proposed amendments not be followed for example, Latvians who have the goal that in the years 2020-2021, all subjects of general education in grades 10 and 11 will already be taught only in Latvian.

According to the current law on Education, pupils of national community schools are trained in two languages: the language of the national community and the Lithuanian language.The Lithuanian language is taught in a basic curriculum in an integrated way if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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