Croatian Football Federation apologized to Russia and sent the scandal of members of the house


After the match, they both shot on a slogan praised by Ukrainian heroes

Croatian defender Vida and former Dynamo player Kyiv, greet "Glory to Ukraine" after the victory over Russia #WorldCup – Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) July 8, 2018

The Croatian Football Federation posted a message saying that O.Vukoevich is removed from the team. She also notes that "O. Vukoevich, who left the team, apologized to the Russian public for these actions of the members of the group."

"Ognjen Vukoevich and Domagoj Vida apologize for their statements, which in no way have political affinities, but unfortunately their video message left such an opportunity for interpretation", announces the Croatian Football Federation

Footballer D. Vida himself said he sent greetings to former friends of the Kiev Dinamo club wearing a t-shirt in 2013-2018

2017 After graduating 34-year-old career, O. Vukojevičius has not fought against football and joined the team of coaches of the Croatian team.

Croatia 2008-2015 also defended the honor of the Dinamo club in Kiev

The FIFA Disciplinary Committee reacted to this incident. He has allocated 15 thousand Swiss francs (12.8 thousand euros) fine for O. Vukojevic and warned against unsporting behavior

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