CSKA bids farewell to Mr De Colo


The CSKA Moscow team said that he was "the greatest" of his star Nando De Colo. The club officially announced that the French would no longer wear red and white shirts.

This year, N.De Colo and the contract with CSKA have come to an end. The 196-year-old legionnaire, 31, has been playing in Moscow since 2014 and has become a two-time Euroleague champion.

A few weeks ago, Sportando announced that N. De Colo could go to the National Basketball Association (NBA).

"I have lived in Moscow for five years and this city has become my first family home. When my daughter was born, Moscow became the first city she found. Here we have become a real family.

My exit does not mean that I wanted to leave CSKA, I just wanted to find a new place, to reach new goals. I spent five great seasons here, I won twice the Euroleague. We showed everyone that CSKA is the best club in Europe. I am proud to have defended the honor of this team, "said De Colo, thanking the entire team.

Last season, Euroleague N. De Colo scored 14.7 points in 24 minutes, 2.5 bouncing balls, 3.4 points and 16.4 points.

Спасибо, Нандо! ✊

Компания @NandoDeColo.

В составе ЦСКА Де Коло провел 292 матча, его средние показатели – 16.4 оталь, 2.9 предние предная pic.twitter.com/ILDrXJs1aj

– CSKA Moscow (@cskabasket) June 18, 2019

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