Cultural events are also needed in the summer –


The third year of the Grand Court at the Palais Royal is full of culture: from contemporary music to clbadical works. Valdas Petreikis, initiator of "Midsummer Vilnius", is already convinced that cultural events in Vilnius are also necessary in summer

– What is "Midsummer Vilnius" different from other festivals organized in recent years?

– I have always said that we were in Vilnius in summer is probably the only true festival that is local, which has an identity, a clear program, a place, a slogan, even a clear audience to which we aim . It is also the only coherent festival of the performing arts, as "Midsummer Vilnius" is not only modern music, but also clbadics and theater – all together, but of one level of appropriate quality. Our audience is made up of educated city dwellers and city guests who truly understand and appreciate performers, performances and local aesthetics. We are in the heart of the city and dedicated to the heart of the human body.

Also, our festival probably initiates most projects with different non-standard artists. We produce and we want the performers to cooperate with each other.

– Not only Lithuanians, but also foreign artists appear at the festival, what are you doing this year?

– The program has three axes: first, middle and last event. Among them is Andrius Mamontovas this year, G & G Syndicate. Last year, we held an electronic party, this year we expect more intellectual representative, G & G Syndicate is probably the most influential group of this kind in Lithuania in recent decades. They are preparing an unplugged concert that should not be played anymore. The group gave three concerts at the Russian Drama Theater, and everything had to stop, but we were raising it for a new life, one at a time. A very exclusive, I think, "Holes" with the choral program "Oak Hole" is a punctual project. I am also very eager to see Mari Samuelsen and NIKO

– One of the highlights of the program is the theatrical performance, this time Hamlet of Oscar Korzunov. What is the space of the Great Court of the Grand Duchy for representations?

– Outdoor Theater – is certainly a big challenge for the troupe. The physical representation can not be the same, so theater groups, actors and directors who agree to do so must be very courageous. The field can not create ideal darkness, but it is important for drama theater. An important opportunity to play with light, open, close the darkness. O. Koršunovas' performances contain a lot of darkness, transitions from darkness to light, and he talks a lot about it. The fact that they agreed to play "Hamlet", I think, is a huge challenge, and the performance can not be physically the same. Will it be better or worse, or with other colors – to be appreciated by the public.

– Probably the impression is that in the summer everything seems to slow down, the theaters end the seasons, the concerts are not so frequent, but you said I found your viewer?

– I think that in Lithuania there was a very distinct seasonality and a clear distinction between independent organizers and the state theater, the sector of clbadical concerts, different missions. This is due to historical reasons. But now I notice that seasonality is decreasing. Festivals fill the void in the absence of theaters or concerts. In a naturally open and more liberal society, the void is filled with talented and active people who are lacking in Lithuania, and the public has conducted them. Despite the fact that many are leaving, people want to communicate. In the West, a natural social compound is formed

International Theater Festival "Midsummer Vilnius", Great Hall of the Grand Duchy (Cathedral 4), July 16-27

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