Cultural institutions and artists are invited to participate in the Cultural Culture Pass Program


Theaters, concert institutions, galleries, other institutions or persons in the fields of architecture, circus, art, design, ethnic culture, photography, cinema, cultural heritage, literature, music, events, projects designed specifically for this program, including those recorded in the regular repertoire. Cultural and artistic institutions, educational providers will have to commit to providing services for at least a year, and their services must be tailor-made for children with special needs.

The selection of cultural pbadport services is open to natural persons who carry on registered activities in Lithuania, to legal persons and other organizations or to their services, registered in one of the countries of the European Union or the European Economic Area. After the selection of services and the list of these by publishing in the portal of education the maternity the school clbad choices included in the Pbadport Cultural Package

The loaves in the pbadports Cultural activities will only be used by organized groups and older students in grades 9-12, either alone or in small groups. Primary school students must be tailor-made for a clbad or group of clbades. Students accompanying teachers will be free to attend the events scheduled in the cultural pbadport program.

Since September, cultural pbadports will be provided by elementary school students, and from 2019 – all students.

The Cultural Pbadport is a tool that helps to develop the cultural cognitive habits of Lithuanian students studying in general programs, to broaden their cultural experience by providing selected cultural and artistic services for cultural pbadports

You can find a selection of cultural pbadport services here.

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