D. Amudaitis – about the Cup of Europe and the privileged elderly "East"


The wings of the European Cup group Thursday were taken Thursday by rivals "Ryto" of Vilnius. The winners of the season in Europe will compete with Malaga Unicaja, Kazan UNIKS, Turin Fiat, Frankfurt Skyliners and Bar KK Mornar clubs.

Like all busts, none can rejoice or be sad.

"As after all spells, you can neither rejoice nor be sad, first and foremost you must take care of the configuration of your team.It will now be clear which rivals will have to monitor their market movements. In summer, it is not yet known what will be the capacity of the rivals ", – after the extraction of spells, commented this summer by D. Amduitis, who entered the wheel of the club

The national strategist Lithuanian singled out two favorites: "It is clear that Malaga Unicaja is the Euroleague level club.They have played there for many years.Spain is also still among the leaders.Kazan UNIKS is a club with a budget and ambition to return to Euroleague. "

" Everything will depend on us and its rivals, we must look at ourselves ", – said D. Amudaitis, who already has his first purchase.

  Žygimantas Gedvilos / 15min nuotr. / Dainius Adomaitis

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min nuotr. / Dainius Adomaitis

Eimantas Bendis, who returns to Vilnius after a four-year break. This is not a coincidence if the attacker returns to the coach after D.Adomaitis. The 28-year-old basketball strategist relies on a Lithuanian national team lost by the stars. Even after their return, E. Bendžius saved the spot in the national team.

"Yes, this contract was on my own initiative.I think it's important to invite Lithuanians to the club because we do not have a lot of them." Eimantas was the only one. one of our priorities from the fourth to the third position.Everyone knows what it is "- D.Adomaitis congratulated the general

As a coach I find it easier to judge a player that I know as a man

Although the Santiago de Compostela team has proposed to extend the contract D.Adomaitis admitted that the link in the Lithuanian national team has been used in the negotiations: "A the end of the team window, we spoke with Eimantas about this opportunity and the interest shown by the club.We saw his match in Spain and I watched a lot of his match As a candidate, for me, as a coach, it is easier to judge a player that I know as a coach. human being. "

Not only were the funerals of the European Cup held in Barcelona, ​​but the summit of Euroleague also took place. It is said that next year the Euroleague will not play at FIBA ​​wickets and will not let only Euroleague but also European Cup players play in national teams [19659004] D. Adamita would be in an unattractive situation but the coach did not want to comment on the rumors. It is difficult to comment on what is not defined. It is said that it is so far away. It will be possible to comment on the exact information, "- coached laconically speaking" Ryto "and the Lithuanian national team.

  Žygimantas Gedvilos / 15min nuotr. / Dainius Adomaitis

Žygimantas Gedvilos / 15min nuotr. / Dainius Adomaitis

"Ryto" Rivals

Malaga Unicaja

The Malaga club left seventh place in the Spanish league and the ninth of the Euroleague league last season.Unicaja remained in one step from the playoffs of Euroleague and lost ground in the biggest European tournament.

After the season, the club gave up coach Joan Plaza and appointed Luis Casimiro as head coach. won the European Cup in 2017 and thus entered the Euroleague.

  Žigmundas Gedvilos / 15min. / Neemanja Nedovicius

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min fotografas / Nemanja Nedovičius

Kazanai UNIKS

In the quarterfinals of the European Cup last season, the Kazan club landed in Munich Bayern. However, ambitions back in Euroleague have not disappeared anywhere.

Kazan remains fifth in the UT League of UT. According to the budget, the Kazan club in Russia occupies fourth place – last season he had an impressive 14 million.

Turin Fiat

Last season, with this crew, the Vilnius club has already beaten in the stage of "Top 16", where the Turin club in March F progressed by one step. In the tournament, the Italian club beat the Italians 83:77, but at home it was even 68: 101.

In the Italian league, the Turin club was only eleven, but became the champion of the Italian cut

  Luko April / 15min. Luko April / 15min Photo / Momentum of the match </p>
<p>  <strong> Skyliners of Frankfurt </strong> </p>
<p>  The German club remained eighth in the Bundesliga last season and did not take part in the European tournaments [19659004WinneroftheFIBA​​EuropeanCupandwinneroftheFIBA​​ChampionsLeaguewhoreachedtheplayoffs</p>
<p>  <strong> Bar KK Mornar </strong> </p>
<p>  The Montenegrin Basketball Club entered the quarterfinals of FIBA ​​and won the Montenegrin league. </p>
<p>  This is probably the weakest and least experienced team of the team, but in the semifinal series of the Adriatic League Mornar, only 1: 2 won the titles from the Belgrade Crvena Zvezda </p>
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